External Resources for Research in the Classics
Please visit the following links for more information about The Center for Hellenic Studies, CHS affiliates, and other useful Hellenic and Classical Studies websites.
Regional Organizations
American Classical League
American Philological Association
AAH Association of Ancient Historians
AIA Archaeological Institute of America
American Society of Papyrologists
CAAS Classical Association of the Atlantic States
CAMWS Classical Association of the Mid West and South
CANE Classical Association of New England
CAPN Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
California Classical Association – Northern Section
California Classical Association – Southern Section
Colorado Classics Association
Classical Association of Minnesota (CAM)
The Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection – in Washington D.C.
North Carolina Classical Association
Classical Association of the Empire State (NY)
Ohio Classical Conference
Pennsylvania Classical Association
Philadelphia Classical Society
The Tennessee Classical Association
Texas Classical Association
The Classical Association of Virginia (CAV)
Classical Association of Canada
Classical Studies in Canadian Universities
The Ontario Classical Association
International Associations
American Academy in Rome
American School in Athens
École française de Rome
Institute for Classical Studies (UK)
Subject-related Associations
Petronian Society
International Plutarch Society
Loeb Classical Library Foundation
Vergilian Society
Journals & Publications
The Classical Outlook
Archaeology Magazine
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Classical Antiquity
Classsical Philology
Classical World
Classics Ireland
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Harvard University Press
Histos: An Electronic Journal of Ancient Historiography
Lexington Books
Loeb Classical Library
The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature
Retarius : Commentarii Periodici Latini
Searchable Index to ANRW
Table of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)
Classical Art and Archaeology
Classical Architecture of the Mediterranean Basin
The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean Project: an on-line atlas
Pompeii Forum Project
Rome: The City Reborn
Vatican Museums
Classics Databases & Search Pages
Classics Collections Page
Classics Links
Classics Resources
Electronic Resources for Classicists
Harvard’s Useful Classics Sites
Library of Congress Greek and Latin Classics Internet Resources
Rome Project
Univ. of Kentucky’s Comprehensive Search Page
Useful Information for Teachers
Other Classics Links
Allen and Greenough’s Latin Grammar
The Ancient World on TV
Fragment of a Greek Tragedy
Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway
Harvard University Classics Department
The Ilex Foundation
Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary
Papyrology Homepage
Roman Law
Stoa Consortium