Print Publication Guidelines

CHS Print Publishing Guidelines

As part of its mission of bringing together a variety of research interests centered on Hellenic civilization and sharing them with a wider audience, The Center for Hellenic Studies has inaugurated a new publications series called Hellenic Studies, under the directorship of Gregory Nagy. The series includes monographs, proceedings from conferences held at the Center, and collaborative projects.

The Center is also committed to producing the highest quality publications possible and for that reason we have established both an Editorial Board which reviews content and a set of required guidelines for the formatting and preparation of manuscripts for publication. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer review as well as review by the CHS Editorial Board, which must approve their publication. The Editorial Board reviews content based on the following criteria (1) coherence of argument; (2) coherence and cohesiveness of the theme and contributions (for multi-contributor volumes); (3) quality of scholarship and writing; (4) contribution to the field of Hellenic Studies.

Authors wishing to submit proposals for the Hellenic Studies series should complete the Proposal Questionnaire, and send it to the Executive Editors, Casey Dué ( and Mary Ebbott ( Only a select number of manuscripts are published each year by the CHS. All books published by the CHS will be produced in electronic versions as well as print.