
Criteria of Truth: Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry

Amidst conflicting information and personal experiences, how can someone distinguish between truth and falsehood? Criteria of Truth: Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry tackles this fundamental question through a study of five Hellenistic poems dated to the third and second centuries BCE: Aratus’s Phaenomena, Nicander’s Theriaca, Callimachus’s Aetia, Apollonius of Rhodes’s Argonautica, and Lycophron’s Alexandra. Situating these poetic works… Read more

Equine Poetics

Equine Poetics is a literary analysis of horses and horsemanship in early Greek epic and lyric poetry, especially those facets that reflect the prehistory of Greek language and culture. The book begins with Ryan Platte’s analysis of Homeric formulas for horses, proposing a model by which most such formulas may be understood… Read more

CHS News | Michael Marks award-winning poets reading their own work

2016 Poets in Residence Program Poets Gill Mc Evoy and Jennifer Elliott, this year’s winners of the “Michael Marks Award for Poetry Pamphlets” in London and Edinburgh (a.k.a. the Callum MacDonald Award), participated in the Michael Marks Poets in Residence Program for two weeks during the past summer. The CHS had… Read more