
Theognidea and Megarian Society

[This article was originally published in 1985 by The Johns Hopkins University Press as Chapter 5 of Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis (ed. by T. Figueria and G. Nagy) 112–158. Baltimore. This version is updated from that made available at the Stoa Consortium. In it, the original… Read more

Greek Mythology and Poetics

Gregory Nagy here provides a far-reaching assessment of the relationship between myth and ritual in ancient Greek society. Nagy illuminates in particular the forces of interaction and change that transformed the Indo-European linguistic and cultural heritage into distinctly Greek social institutions between the eighth and the fifth centuries B.C. Included… Read more

Hostages in Republican Rome

“Is a study of hostageship in the Roman Republic worth the considerable effort? The answer must be an unequivocal yes; the institution is an important part of Rome’s political history. The exaction of hostages occurs in all periods and in all geographical regions of the empire; it is synonymous with… Read more