The Sunoikisis Course on Leadership in the Ancient World Goes LIVE!

Deadline for registration: Friday, August 19, 2016

The Sunoikisis Fall 2016 course on leadership in the ancient world is now live and open to the public.

This course is designed to serve as introduction to the ancient Mediterranean world in the tradition of courses on vocabulary building through Greek and Latin, mythology, and gender and sexuality.

The course’s particular goal is to inspire new visions of leadership through an in-depth study of leadership in classical antiquity. Drawing on literature, history, archaeology, and material culture, the fifteen modules explore big questions about crises of leadership, leaders and followers, gender and leadership, rhetoric and self-presentation, and more.

Beyond the Boundaries utilizes the amazingly-versatile open-source scalar platform:
Beyond the Boundaries utilizes the amazingly-versatile open-source scalar platform:

This fall, the ancient leadership course will be taught concurrently, yet independently, at Howard University, Brandeis University, Tulane University, University of Texas-San Antonio, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Emory University, and the University of Findlay. Weekly common sessions, hosted via Google Hangouts, will be free and public to all. All registered students will be able to discuss ancient leadership among themselves and with advanced researchers on ancient leadership.

Follow the Sunoikisis Ancient Leadership course on Twitter @Duces_Antiqui and like it on Facebook @sunoikisisancientleadership. For more information, continue reading here.