Earlier this month, the CHS proudly supported the international colloquium Translation and Transmission Methods of Arabo-Byzantine Texts at the École française de Rome. During the three day event, CHS associate, Alain Touwaide (Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions), presented his paper Arabo-Persian medicine in Byzantium. A survey of the manuscript evidence.
This colloquium is part of biennial workshops at the École française de Rome, and aimed to contribute to the new and growing field of Arabo-Greek studies. Specifically, the colloquium brought together international scholars and postdoctoral researchers whose work is in translating Arabic texts into Greek in order to examine how these texts were once translated and used in Byzantine culture, and more broadly the Greek-speaking world.
For more information regarding the colloquium, École française de Rome, and the program, please follow the links below.
More Information
About the colloquium: Translation and Transmission Methods of Arabo-Byzantine Texts