Hermann, Pernille, Stephen A. Mitchell, and Jens Peter Schjødt, eds., with Amber J. Rose. 2017. Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives. Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature 3. Cambridge, MA: Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_HermannP_etal_eds.Old_Norse_Mythology.2017.
Volund Was Here: A Myth Archaeologically Anchored in Viking Age Scania
The object

Figure 1. The mount from Uppåkra, Sweden. Photo by Bengt Almgren, Lund University Historical Museum.

Figure 2. The mount from Uppåkra. Detail of the left wing, with the droplets of blood. Photo by Bengt Almgren, Lund University Historical Museum.
The context

Figure 3. Uppåkra in Scania, Sweden. Excavation trenches and the cult house (F) marked south of the present Stora Uppåkra church (E); grave mounds Storehög (A), Lillehög (B), and two destroyed grave mounds (C, D). Map after Larsson and Söderberg 2012: 7.

Figure 4. Reconstruction of the cult building. Drawing by Loïc Lecareux, Larsson and Söderberg 2012: 9, fig. 5.

Figure 5. Excavated buildings (house A, halls B–D) west of the cult building. Illustration by Henrik Pihl. After Larsson 2015: 146.

Figure 6. The Viking Age hall (D) and the layer of fire-cracked stones at the gable end of the building, where the Volund-object, marked with an X, was found. Illustration by Birgitta Piltz Williams. After Larsson and Söderberg 2012: 11.
Volund/Velent in Þiðreks saga
The social and geographical setting in Vǫlundarkviða
Some other representations of Volund

Figure 7. The solidus from Schweindorf. Photo: Hinrich Dirksen, Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum Emden.

Figure 8. Front panel of Franks casket, showing Volund in his smithy. After Stephens 1867–1868: 145.

Figure 9. Detail of the picture stone from Ardre VIII, Gotland. Photo courtesy of the Swedish History Museum.
Works cited
Primary sources
Secondary Sources