Johnson, Aaron, and Jeremy Schott, eds. 2013. Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations. Hellenic Studies Series 60. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
13. Eusebius of Caesarea on Asterius of Cappadocia in the Anti-Marcellan Writings: A Case Study of Mutual Defense within the Eusebian Alliance
The Eusebian Alliance
A Eusebian Tradition of Mutual Defense: The Two Eusebii and Asterius
Asterius’ Apologia for Eusebius of Nicomedia
Eusebius’ Defense and Critique of the Other Eusebians
It is clear that Eusebius is defending his fellow Eusebians from what he thinks are unfair attacks by Marcellus, even though he has declined to defend their specific formulations. And so, this example of mutual defense among the Eusebians is a kind of critique rhetorically presented as defense. [58]
Eusebius’ Defense and Critique of Asterius
Surely it is not by accident this is the final paragraph of De ecclesiastica theologia, save Eusebius’ concluding admonition to his readers, and it serves as a fitting summary of Eusebius’ theology of the image of God.
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