Steadfast in a Multiform Tradition: émpedos and asphalḗs in Homer and Beyond

back Claudia Filos Ἑλένης μὲν ταύτην ἄπιξιν παρὰ Πρωτέα ἔλεγον οἱ ἱρέες γενέσθαι. Δοκέει δέ μοι καὶ Ὅμηρος τὸν λόγον τοῦτον πυθέσθαι· ἀλλ’, οὐ γὰρ ὁμοίως ἐς τὴν ἐποποιίην εὐπρεπὴς ἦν τῷ ἑτέρῳ τῷ περ ἐχρήσατο, [ἐς ὃ] μετῆκε αὐτόν. The priests say that this is the way Helen… Read more

Delphic Oracle Spreadsheet

back Lisa Raphals For Greg Nagy Greg, the debts I owe you I can only repay to my students and others. But please accept this tiny token as, not a pelanos, but a small token of thanks, birthday wishes, incredulity, and warm regards. Yours, Lisa Origin and Sources This… Read more

Quiet Project

Quiet Project Aitken, Ellen Bradshaw, To Encounter a Hero: Localization and Travel in Hellenistic Hero Cults Antoniou, Dimitris,The Mosque That Wasn’t There: Ethnographic Elaborations on Orthodox Conceptions of Sacrifice Athanassaki, Lucia, A Magnificent Birthday Party in an Artful Pavilion: Lifestyle and Leadership in… Read more

Revisiting the Apostrophes to Patroclus in Iliad 16

back Emily Allen-Hornblower Apostrophes in Homeric poetry—those instances where the poet addresses a character directly in the vocative—are “embarrassing” for the reader and critic. [1] The apostrophe disrupts the flow of the third-person narrative by bringing the poet, performer, and audience in direct contact… Read more

Anna Stavrakopoulou, Selected Poems from the collection BABEL FOR TWO

back Anna Stavrakopoulou, Translated by Julia Dubnoff Ἀννα Σταυρακοπούλου Athens 2011 Αθήνα 2011 Και μην ξεγελαστείς ποτέ/And don’t ever fool yourself και πιστέψεις ότι εσύ ήσουν/ Into believing that is was you που ενέπνευσες όλα αυτά/who inspired all this τα ποιήματα και πεζά./poetry and… Read more

A Magnificent Birthday Party in an Artful Pavilion: Lifestyle and Leadership in Euripides’ Ion (on and off stage)

back Lucia Athanassaki, University of Crete Γρηγόρι’, ὦ φίλε, σοὶ Λουκία συνήδομ’ ἑταίρωι ὀγδoίης δεκάδος δοῦσα τόδ’ ἀρχομένωι 0§1 Euripides’ Ion is a play about identity, citizenship and leadership. These interrelated issues, fiercely debated throughout the play, receive an authoritative answer from Athena who appears ex machina and… Read more