La isla de los antípodas – Tradición clásica y poetas cubanos contemporáneos: Luis R. Nogueras, Delfín Prats, José Triana y Magali Alabau

RESUMEN Este trabajo explora la tradición clásica en la poesía de los autores cubanos Luis R. Nogueras (1944-1985), Delfín Prats (1945), José Triana (1931-2018) y Magali Alabau (1945). Tras la introducción, se presenta un breve marco teórico donde se señalan los presupuestos de la disciplina que dan lugar al planteamiento utilizado… Read more

Plato’s Severed Lovers: Alkibiades and Sokrates

The Symposium’s tale of Alkibiades and Sokrates and its historical implications—of war and philosophy, of a shattered imperial democracy and a god-like leader driven out for supposed impiety and assassinated in exile, as well as a trial and execution of a philosopher for impiety and dissent—is dramatic in its own right. Read more

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours: Sourcebook

General Editor: Gregory Nagy Executive Editors: Keith DeStone, Sarah Scott Production Manager, Center for Hellenic Studies: Noel Spencer Production Editor, HarvardX: Sarah Scott A collection of open-source English translations of Classical texts for use with the EdX course The Ancient Greek Hero. Download in other formats:… Read more

A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America

Here is a clear and comprehensive guide to the religious and secular life of the Greek-American community. This book provides an easy-to-understand explanation of Orthodox and Hellenic traditions in America for the newcomer and for Greek Americans wishing to learn more. Here are the traditions of Orthodoxy so that the… Read more