Poetry: Janling Fu, Homecoming

  A song about homecoming1 Janling Fu   I was homeward bound2 Lost in windward flight unerring yet held aloft And suspended in ecstatic transition3 In liminal space4 we are circumscribed Never landing until we are home5 ‘… Read more

Poetry: Kevin McGrath, Homer

Homer Kevin McGrath   YOU who see through us as ifWe never walked the world,Speculating as if we wereSimply imitating your words,How absolute you are. Your genius enveloped usWe did not know that weWere formed by your kindVision superchargingThe gravity of life… Read more

Kevin McGrath, Homer

HOMER Kevin McGrath YOU who see through us as if We never walked the world, Speculating as if we were Simply imitating your words, How absolute you are. Your genius enveloped us We did not know that we Were formed by your kind… Read more

The Fragmentary Muse and the Poetics of Refraction in Sappho, Sophocles, Offenbach

[[This essay originally appeared in 2009 in Theater des Fragments: Performative Strategien im Theater zwischen Antike und Postmoderne (eds. A. Bierl, G. Siegmund, Ch. Meneghetti, C. Schuster) 69-102. In this expanded online edition, the page-numbers of the print edition will be indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the first… Read more

Philosophical Fiction – Landing

Philosophical Fiction I. Books: Fourdraine, Leo. Socratica I: In Search of the Real Socrates (1.3MB PDF download).This fictional work takes the form of a Platonic dialogue in order to explore the the philosophy of Socrates. It is published by the Center for Hellenic Studies under a Creative… Read more

Other Fellows

OTHER FELLOWS CHS E.U. Fellow in Multi-Disciplinary Research/IT and Publications Ioanna Papadopoulou CHS Fellow in Ancient Greek Religion and its Reception Barbara Graziosi, University of Durham CHS Associates in Comparative Cultural Studies Dimiter Angelov, University of Birmingham Panagiota Batsaki, University of Cambridge Sahar Bazzaz, College of the… Read more