Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations

  Johnson, Aaron, and Jeremy Schott, eds. 2013. Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations. Hellenic Studies Series 60. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.

12. New Perspectives on Eusebius’ Questions and Answers on the Gospels: The Manuscripts [1]

Claudio Zamagni

Besides these two main Greek traditions, there are also other Greek fragments. The majority of those available were also published by Angelo Mai in 1825 and 1847. In his first edition of 1825, Mai published what is essentially the shortened text of the ekloge, followed by some minor fragments in Greek, both of which come primarily from exegetical catenae or from unpublished manuscripts that he could read directly in the Vatican Library where he worked, for a total of nineteen Greek fragments and a single fragment in a Latin translation. [23] This first edition has an introduction that also collects indirect evidence on the Eusebian questions (testimonia). [24] In his second edition, Mai offers again the ekloge, together with a larger section of fragments, including some very long sections of the text, that derive mainly from the Catena on Luke by Nicetas of Herakleia. In his first edition, the ekloge represented more than 80 percent of the published text; in his second only some 50 percent of the text is occupied by the ekloge. This is due to the fact that a great number of fragments had arisen from the Catena by Nicetas, wherein Mai identifies a total of twenty-three new fragments (his numbering is questionable, but it remains a widespread reference). [25] Some of these fragments are of the utmost importance, as many of them preserve parts of the original text that are not reproduced in the ekloge or elsewhere. Mai also added seven other new Greek fragments that derive from minor textual traditions. [26]

All the fragments that Mai omits in his second edition are discarded because the new ones he identifies and publishes cover the same parts of Eusebius’ original text, but in a more complete form. This shows that the intention of Mai in publishing his second edition was not to provide all the evidence available, but to offer instead only the fragments that were most likely to complete the text of the ekloge, avoiding any duplication as far as possible. [33] Excluding Nicetas, the total number of Greek fragments Mai edited in his two editions is twenty-seven fragments. Other Greek fragments, however, have been found in other sources published after Mai’s editions, especially the eight fragments from the catenae on the Gospels edited by John Cramer, [34] another transmitted in a letter of Isidore of Pelusium (or, perhaps better, together with it), [35] and another partially published from a Venice manuscript by Christophe Guignard. [36] Besides Nicetas, the total number of known published fragments is thus at least thirty-seven. As in the case of Nicetas’ fragments, we still lack a critical edition for these fragments, and many other Greek fragments probably remain in unpublished manuscripts. Certainly, from what we can determine, these Greek fragments seem less important for the reconstruction of the original lost text than the textual remains in Nicetas’ catena or in the ekloge, but a complete study of their text is required in order to provide an edition of the Questions prepared according to modern standards.

As a first step toward a complete critical edition, I have started a new search of Greek manuscripts. My research has not been limited to the catalogs of Greek manuscripts, but also extended to the Latin manuscripts and those in other ancient languages containing indices of authors, works, and biblical passages. Consulting the catalogs of Greek manuscripts was simplified by the use of the latest available edition of the classic guide of Marcel Richard, [48] whose references have been almost completely verified in the collection of the Greek section of the Institut de Recherche et Histoire des Textes in Paris, where I also searched the Pinakes database of the Greek Index Project, originally created by the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies at Toronto and now freely available online. [49] For manuscripts in other languages ​​(as well as for catalogs missing at the I.R.H.T.), I have used the collections of catalogs available at the Library of Lausanne, at the Library of Geneva, as well as the catalogs available at the Vatican Apostolic Library in Rome. This research was carried out mainly between 1998 and 2000 (although it is still in progress), and was primarily intended to search for other manuscripts of the ekloge, or for a complete copy of Eusebius’ Questions, which was reported to be in Sicily in a letter by Latino Latini written 1563 and quoted by Mai. [50] Unfortunately, I have found no trace of a complete manuscript of the Questions, nor of another copy of the ekloge, but I nevertheless found many manuscripts containing parts or fragments of Eusebius’ Questions. [51]

During the making of this inventory, I have prepared a list of manuscripts containing unidentified fragments of Eusebius. There are a total of 146 manuscripts (mostly Latin) that should contain fragments taken from the works of Eusebius, but that the printed catalogues do not define more precisely. It is rather usual that catalogues, especially the oldest, merely state the authors of the texts in describing collections of miscellaneous works, sometimes with a very brief note on the fragment’s content, without trying to identify its original source, nor giving an exact number of folios. Of course, it is likely that these fragments derive from other and better known works of Eusebius; in many cases, especially in the case of Latin texts, I also suspect that these extracts may come from another homonymous author.

To get a complete critical edition of this Eusebian text, we must study all these manuscripts and all the different textual traditions they embody. This is of course a very challenging task, and obviously not a task for a single scholar. We should in any case carefully study the catena on Luke by Nicetas, which contains very interesting passages that have no corresponding passages in the ekloge, especially for the questions to Marinos. And the yet-unpublished Greek fragments? May they also contain some new sections of this lost work of Eusebius? To answer this simple question, much work still has to be done.

I. Manuscript of the ekloge

  1. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Gr. 220 (parch.; X), fol. 61–96.

II. Manuscripts of the catena on Luke by Nicetas of Herakleia

  1. Athos, Vatopedi, 457.
  2. Athos, Vatopedi, 529 (XIV), fol. 30r–122v.
  3. Athos, Vatopedi, 530 (XII), 1–585v.
  4. Athos, Dionysiou, 377 (n. 3911; paper; XVII).
  5. Athos, Iviron, 371 (n. 4491; fol. 1–409: parch.; XIII; fol. 410–626: paper; a. 1576), 1–626.
  6. Athos, Iviron, 1439 (XIII), fol. 1–8.
  7. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale Albert I, I.8232–33 (n. 3337; XVII), fol. 271–272.
  8. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 759 (paper; XIV), fol. IV.264.
  9. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1611 (parch.; a. 1116–1117), fol. I.320.
  10. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1642 (parch.; XI/XII), fol. I.296.
  11. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1933 (paper; XVII), fol. XII.626.
  12. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Gr. 20.
  13. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. 100 (XV/XVI), fol. 2–105.
  14. Firenze, Biblioteca Mediceo Laurenziana, Conventi Soppressi 176 (XII/XIII).
  15. Istambul, Taphou 466 (XII/XII).
  16. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 763 (XVIII), fol. 63–79v.
  17. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, O 245 sup. (n. 608; XVI), fol. 19r–v.
  18. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 33 (a. 1553), fol. 1–397v.
  19. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 146 (XI), fol. 249–254.
  20. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 318 (XIII), fol. 1–69.
  21. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 473 (XIII).
  22. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, Gr. 3* (Vind. Suppl. Gr. 6; XI) fol. 196–314.
  23. Oxford, St. John’s College, 44 (XVI), fol. 201–266v.
  24. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 193 (paper; XVI).
  25. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 208 (paper; XIV).
  26. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 201 (paper; XIV/XV), fol. 1–605.
  27. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Suppl. Gr. 71 (paper; a. 1659), fol. 1–43.
  28. Patmos, Moni Agiou Ioannou tou theologou, 203 (XIII).
  29. Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, Gr. 100 (XII).
  30. Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 715.
  31. Sankt Peterburg, Rossiyskaya Natsionalnaya Bibliotyeka [National Library of Russia], Duh. Akad. 370, fol. 41–42.
  32. Schleusingen, Henneberg. Gymn., 3 (XVII).
  33. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 26.
  34. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 331 (XIII/XIV).
  35. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 494 (coll. 331; paper, XIII), fol. 3–58.
  36. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 495 (coll. 1048; paper; XIV/XV), fol. 373–435.
  37. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Theol. Gr. 71 (parch.; XIII).

III. Greek Manuscripts Containing Parts of Eusebius’ Questions

  1. Athinai, Ethnike bibliotheke tes Hellados, 2164 (parch.; a. 1088), fol. 96; fol. 98.
  2. Athinai, Katholikon Orthodoxon Patriarcheion [Jerusalem], 22, fol. 159.
  3. Athinai, Katholikon Orthodoxon Patriarcheion [Jerusalem], Saba 31 (XI), fol. 88–100.
  4. Athos, Lavra, Γ119 (n. 359; X), fol. 108r–v; fol. 110–111.
  5. Alexandria, Bibliotheke tou Patriacheiou, 71 (n. 219; paper; XII), fol. 175r–184v.
  6. Cambridge, University Library, Oo. VI. 91. (n. 3163; paper/parch.; XV/XVI/XVIII), fasc. 19, n. 17.
  7. Cambridge, Trinity College, B. 7. i vac. (n. 178; X), fol. 140–145; fol. 148–149.
  8. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 358 (parch.; XI), fol. 110r; fol. 110v–111v.
  9. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 384 (paper; a. 1553), fol. 127–129; fol. 131–133.
  10. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 840 (paper; XIV), fol. 173v–174r.
  11. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1532 (paper; XI), fol. 140v–142r; fol. 143v–145r.
  12. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1692 (parch.; X), fol. 85r–v; fol. 86r–87r.
  13. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1767 (paper; XVI), fol. 103r–105v.
  14. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1915 (parch.; X/XI), fol. 37v–38v.
  15. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 2658 (X/XI), fol. 238r–278v.
  16. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. Gr. 562 (X/XI), fol. 120v–125v.
  17. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pii II Gr. 9 (paper; XV), fol. 141.
  18. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Gr. 46 (Montfaucon 938; paper; XV/XVI), fol. 82–83.
  19. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ross. Gr. 7 (XIII), fol. 2v–4r.
  20. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ross. Gr. 211 (XIII), fol. 2v–3v.
  21. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, K. II. 10. [deperditus] (parch.), fol. 116v–117v; fol. 119–120.
  22. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, K. III. 12. [deperditus] (n. 534; paper; a. 1580 circa), fol. 122r–123v; fol. 125v–128r.
  23. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. VI. cod. 5 (parch.; XII), fol. 68–75; fol. 76–77.
  24. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. VI. cod. 33 (parch.; XI).
  25. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, S. Marco 687 (X/XIV), fol. 83v–86v.
  26. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijkuniversiteit, Voss. Misc. 22 (paper; XVII), fol. 59–61.
  27. London, British Library, Harley 5643 (XVI/XVII), fol. 11r–v.
  28. Meteora, Moni Metamorphoseos, 28 (bomb., XIV), fol. 97–99; fol. 126v–127.
  29. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A 62 inf. (n. 797; parch.; XI), fol. 26r–27v.
  30. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, H 257 inf. (n. 1041; parch.; XIII), fol. 156r–158v.
  31. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 146 (XI), fol. 249–254.
  32. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barocc. 197 (XIV), fol. 212v–227.
  33. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. Gr. 33 (XI), fol. 79–80; fol. 80.
  34. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Misc. 182 (T.1.4; X/XI), fol. 80; fol. 169–172.
  35. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 186 (parch.; XI).
  36. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 199 (parch.; XII), fol. 176v.
  37. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 200 (parch.; XI/XII), fol. 130v.
  38. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 201 (parch.; XI/XII), fol. 112r–v.
  39. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 206 (parch.; a. 13071308), fol. 1r–v; fol. 3v–5v.
  40. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 255 (paper; XV).
  41. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 572 (paper; XV/XVI), fol. 239r–240.
  42. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 700 (parch.; X), fol. 43v–46r.
  43. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 701 (parch.; IX/X), fol. 137v–143.
  44. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 702 (parch.; X), fol. 122–126.
  45. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 704 (parch.; X/XII), fol. 53v–57.
  46. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 195 (parch.; X), fol. 165–168.
  47. Patmos, Moni Agiou Ioannou tou theologou, 59 (IX-X), fol. 105r–106r; fol.107v–108r; fol. 235r–236r.
  48. Patmos, Moni Agiou Ioannou tou theologou, 60 (XI), fol. 375v–377r; fol. 379r–381r.
  49. Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, B. 1. 7. (n. 67; parch.; X/XI), fol. 59r–60r; fol. 61v–63r.
  50. Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, C 34 (n. 36; paper/parch.; XII/XVI), fol. 402r–404r; fol. 407v–411r.
  51. Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, F 25 (n. 89; paper; XIV), fol. 37–38.
  52. Sankt Peterburg, Rossiyskaya Natsionalnaya Bibliotyeka [National Library of Russia], Gr. 216 (parch.; a. 862/863), fol. 346r.
  53. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. I, 34 (coll. 1070; parch.; XII), fol. 111v–112v; fol. 114r–115v.
  54. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. II, 144 (coll. 1362; parch.; X), fol. 3r–4r (marg.).
  55. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 61 (parch.; X; fol. 1–2: XI), fol. 1–2.
  56. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 494 (paper, XIII), fol. 111–112; fol. 143–144.
  57. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 495 (coll. 1048; paper; XIV/XV), fol. 143bis–144.
  58. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Theol. Gr. 153 (paper; XIII), fol. 260r.
  59. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Theol. Gr. 199 (paper; XVI), fol. 1–45.
  60. Unknown, Paris, Collège de Clermont, 75 (Schoenberg n. 188178; paper; XV).
  61. Unknown, Den Haag, Gerard and Johan Meerman Collection, Ms. 76 (Schoenberg n. 45161; parch.; XII).

IV. Syriac Manuscripts Containing Parts of Eusebius’ Questions

  1. Berlin, Alte Bibliothek [Königliche], Syr. 81 (n. 311; XVI/XVII [fol. 1–15.157–259: XIX]); fol. 84.
  2. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Pal. Or. 47, fol. 1v–2v [published by Beyer, but to be considered a testimonium].
  3. London, British Library, Syr. 853, fol. 176–182; fol. 232.
  4. London, British Library, Add. 12144 (a. 1801) [copy of Vatican Library, Syr. 103].
  5. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 103 (parch.; IX/X), fol. 302r–307v; fol. 368v.
  6. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 154 (parch./bomb.; VIII/IX), fol. 3–9; fol. 21–22; fol. 209.
  7. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 155, fol. 26r and 35v at least.
  8. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 156, fol. 11–13; fol. 32r; fol. 159v; fol. 315r.
  9. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 284 [or 283] (paper).
  10. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Syr. 541 (paper; a. 1555), fol. 153r–225r [a catena on Luke containing Eusebius’ texts, text to be checked].

V. Coptic Manuscripts of the So-called Monophysite Dogmatic Florilegium

  1. London, British Library, Or. 8812 (n. 249; Parham 106; parch.; a. 888/889).
  2. London, British Library, Add. 14740 (n. 740; parch.).

VI. Arabic Manuscripts of the So-called Monophysite Dogmatic Florilegium

  1. Al-Qahira, Coptic Museum, 1157–Graf 166 (XIV/XV).
  2. Al-Qahira, Coptic Patriachate, 41–Graf 195 (paper; a. 1735).
  3. Al-Qahira, Coptic Patriachate, 567–Graf 411 (paper; XIV).
  4. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ar. 410 (paper; XIII/XIV).
  5. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ar. 411 (paper; XIV).
  6. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ar. 452 (paper; a. 1214).
  7. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, (Karšhuni) Syr. 531 (a. 1486).
  8. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, (Karšhuni) Syr. 541 (paper, a. 1555).
  9. Bagdad, Chaldean Patriarchate, Library of Mossul Chaldean Patriarchate, 131 (Diyarbakır, 131; a. 1498).
  10. Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, Ar. 103 (paper; XIII/XIV, restored a. 1811).
  11. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hunt. 262 (n. 26; paper; XVI, before a. 1575).
  12. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Ar. 55 (paper; a. 1619).
  13. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Ar. 93 (paper; XIV).
  14. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Or. 4315 (paper; XVI).

VII. Ethiopic Manuscripts of the So-called Monophysite Dogmatic Florilegium

  1. London, British Library, Aeth. 11 (add. 16220; parch.; XVII).
  2. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Aeth. 65 (parch.; XVII).

VIII. Greek and Latin Manuscripts Containing Other Eusebius’ Extracts or Unidentified Questions on the Gospels

  1. Arras, Abbaye Saint-Vaast, 158 (XII).
  2. Athinai, Ethnike bibliotheke tes Hellados, 408.
  3. Athinai, Katholikon Orthodoxon Patriarcheion [Jerusalem], Saba, 232 (parch.; XI).
  4. Athinai, Katholikon Orthodoxon Patriarcheion [Jerusalem], Panagiou Taphou, 257 (paper; XVII), fol. 9–21.
  5. Athos, Dionysiou, 71 (n. 3605; parch.; X).
  6. Athos, Koutloumousiou, 178 (n. 3251; paper; XIII), fol. 11–13.
  7. Athos, Lavra, A37 (n. 37; X), fol. 1–9 et 9–20.
  8. Athos, Xenophontos, 53 (n. 755; paper; XVII), sect. 3.
  9. Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek [Königliche], Q. VI. 58. (n. 110; paper; XV), fol. 221v.
  10. Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek [Königliche], Domkapitel, 141 [B. III. 36] (n. 86; parch.; XI–XII).
  11. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A XI 71 (paper; XV), fol. 161.
  12. Bern, Bibliotheca Bongarsiana, AA 90 fasc. 4 (parch.; XI–XII), fol. 1–3.
  13. Besançon, Bibliothèque, 186 (parch.; IX), miscellanea patristica, fol. 32–70.
  14. Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, 3637 (paper; XIV), fol. 81–83.
  15. Brescia, Biblioteca Civica Queriniana, F II 1 (parch.; IX).
  16. Brescia, Biblioteca Civica Queriniana, C V 10 (paper; XVII–XVIII).
  17. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 404, fol. 7–9.
  18. Cambridge, Trinity College, O. 8. 22 5939–53 (n. 1397), fol. 15–16; fol. 77–81.
  19. Cambridge, Public Library, 151 (n. 2331).
  20. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Lat. 3832, fol. 29.46.
  21. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 875 (paper; XIII), fol. 300–301.
  22. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1618 (paper, XVI), on Mt 1:1–21.
  23. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1637 (parch.; XVI), fol. 103r–105v.
  24. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1890 (paper; XV/XVI), fol. 123r–128v.
  25. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. Gr. 100 (paper; XV/XVI).
  26. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. Gr. 134 (paper; XVII).
  27. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. Gr. 408 (paper; XVI).
  28. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Gr. 20 (bomb.; XIII).
  29. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Gr. 129 (paper; XV/XVI).
  30. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Gr. 46 (Montfaucon 938; paper; XV/XVI), fol. 59–60; fol. 66.
  31. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Gr. 57 (paper; XV–XVI), fol. 456.
  32. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 148 (XV), fol. 15–45v.
  33. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 422, fol. 39.
  34. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 2100, fol. 152v.
  35. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Cod. Gr. E. (4 codici).
  36. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Γ 14. 118.
  37. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Γ II. 4.
  38. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Γ II. 7.
  39. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Χ. IV. 11. (n. 406; paper; XIV), fol. 8v–36v.
  40. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Λ. IV. 20. [deperditus] (n. 601; parch.), fol. 15r–v.
  41. El Escorial, Madrid, Biblioteca de S. Lorenzo, Κ. II. 13.
  42. Firenze, Biblioteca Moreniana, 13 (paper; XVIII), fol. 272–276.
  43. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. IV. cod. 26 (paper; XVI).
  44. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. VI. cod. 4 (parch.; XIV).
  45. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. VII. cod. 15 (parch.; XI), fol. 150; fol. 154; fol. 189; fol. 192.
  46. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. IX. cod. 26 (parch.; XIV), fol. 84.
  47. Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Ricc. 907 (N III 16; paper; XV a.).
  48. Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, 996 (paper; a. 1579).
  49. Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Theol. 1518c.
  50. Istambul, Maurogordateios Bibliotheke, 264.
  51. Klosternburg, Bibliotheca Augustiniana, 205 (paper, XV), fol. 188–247.
  52. Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 598 (parch.; XII), cf. fol. 112–114.
  53. London, British Library, Harley 3089.
  54. London, British Library, Harley 3651.
  55. Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 4749 (n. 198; paper; a. 1555), fol. 43–46; fol. 183v–185v.
  56. Marseille, Bibliothèque, 198 (paper; XVII).
  57. Meteora, Moni Barlaam, 137 (paper; XVI), fol. 76–87.
  58. Meteora, Moni Barlaam, 195 (paper; XVII), fol. 50–105.
  59. Meteora, Moni Metamorphoseos, 243 (paper; XIV).
  60. Meteora, Moni Agiou Stephanou, 110 (paper; XIX), fol. 124r; fol. 126v.
  61. Meteora, Moni Agiou Stephanou, 130 (paper; XIX), fol. 5.
  62. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A 84 sup. (n. 273; parch.; XIII), fol. 86.
  63. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C 30 inf. (n. 850; parch.; XII).
  64. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, E 16 sup. (n. 273; parch.; XIII), fol. 57.
  65. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, E 20 sup. (n. 276; parch.; XIII), fol. 74.
  66. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, E 64 sup. (n. 290; paper; XV), fol. 218.
  67. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, F 140 sup. (n. 375; parch.; XIII).
  68. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G 76 inf. (XVI).
  69. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 57 sup. (n. 520; parch.), fol. 139.
  70. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 83 sup. (n. 529; parch.; XIII).
  71. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Q 50 sup. (n. 678; paper; XIV), fol. 160–231.
  72. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Q 74 sup. (n. 681).
  73. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, S 23 sup. (n. 732; parch.; XII), fol. 163; fol. 165–168.
  74. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Z 75 sup. (n. 752; paper; XVI).
  75. Mons, Bibliothèque Publique, 47/217, fol. 26r–32v; fol. 32v–38r.
  76. Moscau, Gosudarstvyenniy Istorichyeskiy Muzyey [State Historical Museum], Gr. 29–119/CXX.
  77. Moscau, Rossiyskaya Gosudarstvyennaya Bibliotyeka [Russians State Library], 82 (n. 137; IX), fol. 170r–175r.
  78. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Gr. 381 (XIII), fol. 1–69.
  79. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 26690 (n. 2213; XV).
  80. Nürnberg, Pfarriche St. Sebald Bibl., 141 [B. III. 36] (n. 86).
  81. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmol. 393, fol. 80.
  82. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barrocc. 76 (n. 76) fol. 177–215.
  83. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digbeian. 196 (n. 1797), fol. 18.
  84. Oxford, Corpus Christi College Library, 232 (n. 1699).
  85. Oxford, Christ Church College Library, 45 (XIII/XV), fol. 241–245.
  86. Oxford, Jesus College Library, 25.
  87. Oxford, Jesus College Library, 65, fol. 138–140.
  88. Mons, Bibliothèque Publique, 47/217, fol. 26–32; fol. 32–38.
  89. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 968 (paper; a. 1462), fol. 87–89; fol. 94–134.
  90. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 1631 (paper; XVII).
  91. Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, 212 (paper; a. 1743–1745).
  92. Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, 1416 (parch.; XIII), fol. 135r–142r.
  93. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 221 (parch.; XII).
  94. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 633 (parch.; a. 1186).
  95. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 854 (bomb.; XIII), fol. 17.
  96. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 922 (parch.; XI), fol. 236–240.
  97. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 1555A (bomb.; XVI), fol. 179–186.
  98. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 2511 (paper; XV), fol. 46–55.
  99. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Gr. 2665 (paper/bomb.; XIV/XV), fol. 209–210.
  100. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Supplément grec 771 (XV).
  101. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 20 (parch.; X), fol. 165–168.
  102. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 23 (parch.; XI).
  103. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 112 (paper; a. 1329).
  104. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 115 (parch.; XII).
  105. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 120 (parch.; X), fol. 31–204.
  106. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 122 (paper; XIV).
  107. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 296 (parch.; XII), fol. 120–162.
  108. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Coislin 371 (parch.; X), fol. 51–55; fol. 91–92; fol. 94.
  109. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 1568 (parch.; IX–XV), fol. 40–67 [IX].
  110. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 1860 (parch.; XIII), fol. 153v–217r.
  111. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3396 (XVI).
  112. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3497 (parch.; XIV); fol. 37.
  113. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3508 (paper; XV).
  114. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3508A (paper; XV).
  115. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10685 (XII).
  116. Patmos, Moni Agiou Ioannou tou theologou, 56.
  117. Patmos, Moni Agiou Ioannou tou theologou, 203, fol. 120–191.
  118. Praha, Státní Knihovna [National Library], XIII D 24 (n. 2316), fol. 333–335.
  119. Praha, Státní Knihovna [National Library], XXV B 7 (parch.; X/XI), fol. 9v–10r; fol. 115v; fol. 183r; fol. 298r; fol. 191r–v; fol. 307r.
  120. Reims, Bibliothèque, Saints Pères 284 (parch.; XI).
  121. Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, A. 4. 1. (n. 57; paper; XV), fol. 192.
  122. Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, E 40 (n. 72; parch.; XI).
  123. Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Gr. 137 (n. 213).
  124. Salisbury, Library of the Cathedral Church, 61, fol. 35.
  125. San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Guarneriana, 87, fol. 77v–78v.
  126. Sinai, Aghia Katerina, 529 (XVII), fol. 8v–10v.
  127. Skiathos, Moni Evangelistria, 11 (XIV), fol. 2–25.
  128. Toulouse, Bibliothèque, 624 (n. 82), fol. 2; fol. 37.
  129. Uppsala, Universitätsbibliothek, C 937 (n. 339), fol. 18–21.
  130. Venezia, Museo Civico Correr, Fondo Morosini-Grimani, 94 (XVII), fol. 229.
  131. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. II, 77 (paper; XVI), fol. 97.107.
  132. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. II, 90 (paper; XVI), fol. 212–231.
  133. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. III, 4 (paper; XVI).
  134. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 27 (coll. 341; parch.; X–XI), fol. 93.
  135. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 28 (coll. 364; parch.; XI), fol. 4–136; fol. 137–281.
  136. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 138 (parch.; X).
  137. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 139 (parch.; XI/XII), fol. 50–51.
  138. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 410.
  139. Venezia, Biblioteca del monastero di S. Michele, 120.
  140. Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Phil. Gr. 248 (paper; XIV/XV), fol. 132r–191r.
  141. Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Ehemaligen Dombibliothek, M. p. th. f. 61 (parch.; VIII/IX).
  142. Unknown, apud P. Labbe, Nova bibliotheca manuscriptorum librorum, Parisiis 1653, 184, ‘De triduo sepolturae Domini.’
  143. Unknown, Sens, Library of M. [Gratien-Théodore] Tarbé, 22 (parch.).
  144. Unknown, Toulouse, Bibliothèque de l’archévêque Charles de Montchal, 220.
  145. Unknown, [York,] Library of Thomas Gale, 115 (Schoenberg n. 163425; n. 5949; [E. Bernard,] Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Anglie et Hiberniae in unum collecti, II,1, Oxoniae 1697, 188), ‘Eusebi sermo de sepoltura Christi triduana.
  146. Unknown, Aedes Jacobaei, 591 (ibid., 244S; Schoenberg n. 165132; n. 8313).

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[ back ] 1. I am grateful to Pierluigi Piovanelli (Ottawa), who suggested some improvements to me, and to Christophe Guignard (Lausanne), who read a first draft of this paper and kindly directed me to two manuscripts of the Meteors. I am also very pleased to thank Diane Barraud (Lausanne), who checked the first version of my list of manuscripts, more than ten years ago. Part of this essay has been prepared thanks to a grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

[ back ] 2. CPG 3470. On the exact title of this work, cf. Zamagni 2008:11.

[ back ] 3. Actually, we have sixteen questions to Stephanus, but the questions 3 and 4 were originally joined together, as the manuscripts and the content of the text show. On this point, cf. Spitta 1877:13–14; Reichardt 1909:23–24; Bardy 1932:210–236; Perrone 1990:417–435; Guignard 2011:48–49.

[ back ] 4. Many ancient witnesses refer to the second part of the work only, using the title of “Questions to Marinos,” while the Syriac versions apparently only know the part of the work dedicated to Stephanos, as does Nicetas of Herakleia, who has only the first half of the questions dedicated to Marinos (which possibly corresponds to the first of the two books to Stephanos); cf. Zamagni 2008:12–13.

[ back ] 5. We can exclude, with John Lightfoot, that such cross references came from a revised edition of these two works by Eusebius himself (Lighfoot 1880:338); on the dating debate, cf. also Zamagni 2008:42–46.

[ back ] 6. Pearse 2010:3; this volume reprints the Sources Chrétiennes’ text and biblical apparatus of the ekloge wrongly ascribing the copyright to the Cerf publishing company, while it is still mine.

[ back ] 7. And, of course, Eusebius did know well the book of Porphyry against Christians, as he is credited with having written a now-lost refutation of Porphyry’s criticism in twenty-five books.

[ back ] 8. Labriolle 1948:292–293, 487–508; among many followers, Courcelle 1959:133–169; against this hypothesis see especially Perrone 1994:161–185

[ back ] 9. For a wider perspective on this debate, concerning Eusebius as well as the whole literature of questions and answers in Christian antiquity, cf. Zamagni 2011a:357–370.

[ back ] 10. Bardy 1932:210–236, 341–369, 515–537; Bardy 1933:14–30, 211–229, 328, 352.

[ back ] 11. I have developed this distinction in Zamagni 2004:7–24 and Zamagni forthcoming.

[ back ] 12. See especially Perrone 1991:485–505 and idem 1990:417–421.

[ back ] 13. Concerning the fortune of Eusebius’ questions, cf. the commentary I have provided in my dissertation, Zamagni 2003.

[ back ] 14. Cf. Papadoyannakis 2006:91–105, and Papadoyannakis, forthcoming.

[ back ] 15. Cf. Jacob 2004:25–54.

[ back ] 16. Cf. my commentary in Zamagni 2003, as well as the example study of the background of the first question to Stephanos in Zamagni 2011b:151–176.

[ back ] 17. Secondary literature is rich here; as an example, see the remarks on Eusebius’ reconstruction of Christian origins according to Papias and Hegesippus in Norelli 2001:1–22.

[ back ] 18. See the remarks in Hollerich 1999:67–80 and Perrone 1996:515–530.

[ back ] 19. Cavallo 1988:65–78; Carriker 2003; Grafton and Williams 2006.

[ back ] 20. Mai 1825:1–82; Mai 1847:218–267 (reprinted in PG 22.879A–957A); Zamagni 2008:80–230 (republished by Pearse 2010:6–128). On the whole textual tradition, cf. Zamagni 2008:13–21.

[ back ] 21. CPG C135.

[ back ] 22. Mai 1847:268–277, 283–298 (PG 22.957B–972D, 984A–1005D; Pearse 2010:134–154, 180–212).

[ back ] 23. Mai 1825:89–101; Mai actually counts only twelve Greek fragments, but this is just because he joins all fragments coming from a same source. The Latin fragment comes from a translation by Balthasar Cordier based on a Greek catena on Luke (Corderius 1628:95).

[ back ] 24. Mai 1825:x–xvii.

[ back ] 25. According to Charles Kannengiesser, Eusebius’ fragment On Easter that comes from the catena of Nicetas may belong to the Questions (CPG 3479; PG 24.693A–705D); cf. Kannengiesser 2004:676. Although not mentioned in the commentary by Averil Cameron and Stuart Hall (1999:326–327), it is nevertheless more than likely that this extract comes from the treatise on Easter that Eusebius sent to Constantine and referenced in VC 4.35, as the first editor Angelo Mai already indicated (Mai 1847:208).

[ back ] 26. Mai 1825:83–101, 374; Mai 1847:268–278, 298–303 (all republished in Pearse 2010:154–167, 214–232).

[ back ] 27. Mai 1825:88–89. The first fragment is now reprinted in Pearse 2010:164–166.

[ back ] 28. Mai 1825:90, 94–100. Two of these fragments have been now reprinted in Pearse 2010:228–232.

[ back ] 29. Mai 1825:78–79. (These fragments have not been republished by Pearse.)

[ back ] 30. Mai 1825:85–87, republished by Pearse 2010:160–164.

[ back ] 31. Mai 1825:100–101, 374; Mai 1847:298, 300–303, and cf. also 298n3, which refers to the fragment at p. 90 of the first edition; Pearse 2010:220–228.

[ back ] 32. Mai 1825:101–106; Mai 1847:304–309. While Migne already chose not to republish these Latin testimonia (PG 22), David Miller and Roger Pearse reprint them among Eusebius’ fragments (Pearse 2010:258–300).

[ back ] 33. Cf. Zamagni 2008:13–16. The second edition of Mai is reprinted by Migne in PG 22, which omits the fragments only printed in the first edition (now partly republished in Pearse 2010:notes 26, 27, 28).

[ back ] 34. Cf. Zamagni 2003:65, 69, 70, 134, 154, 165; Cramer 1840:7–8, 10, 12, 15, 251; Cramer 1844:399–402, 404–406. All these fragments are reprinted in Pearse 2010:166–174, 232–249, which also locates for the first time a fragment in Cramer 1840:13.

[ back ] 35. Isidore of Pelusium, Epistles 2.212 (PG 78.652B–653C). Until otherwise proven, this text is to me a testimonium (Zamagni 2003:196), although Pearse 2010:248–253 considers it as a new fragment (Fr. Mar. Supp. 17 according to his numbering). Similar statements can be found also among Mai’s fragments and it is not my intention to discuss their pertinence in this status quaestionis: to me it is obvious that a new study of the published fragments and of the whole corpus of new manuscripts containing fragments is necessary to make sense of this textual tradition. In this regard, I have to mention that some manuscripts containing fragments of the Questions to Marinos also contain this letter of Isidore—for example: Athos, Laura, G119; Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 201; B.N. 206; B.N. 700; B.N. 701; B.N. 702; B.N. 704.

[ back ] 36. This fragment from the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice is used in the critical apparatus of Guignard 2011:296–304. I had independently recorded this manuscript in my list, but I am pleased to learn from Guignard’s dissertation that it certainly comes from Eusebius’ Questions (cf. note 55 below).

[ back ] 37. Mai 1847:279–282 (republished in PG 22.976B–981D).

[ back ] 38. Beyer 1925:30–70, 1927 (Dritte Serie, 1):80–97, 284–292; 1927 (Dritte Serie, 2):57–69.

[ back ] 39. On this topic, see also Zamagni 2008:16–18; Guignard 2011:118–131. Only the main Syriac textual tradition (Vaticanus Syriacus 103) has been republished in Pearse 2010:306–344, with a useful vocalized text by Adam McCollum. If I understand correctly, Pearse and McCollum also identify two new Syriac testimonia (cf. Pearse 2010:304, 344–348).

[ back ] 40. CPG C117, C118, C127, C138, C148 (the Ethiopic and Arabic forms are not recorded in the Clavis, except for the Arabic on Matthew). Concerning this text, usually referred to as a catena, cf. Dorival 1984:166–167 and Dorival 1986:28–29. See also Caubet Iturbe 1970:xxxix–xl; Graf 1944:481–482, and Achelis 1897:167–168. Regardless of the origins of the exegetical extracts, the text actually has the shape of a catena on selected passages of the four gospels, and its Coptic version even provide an old textual form of their text (Lagarde 1887a and Lagarde 1887b:373–374).

[ back ] 41. Lagarde 1886; According Lagarde (1886:iii), and to other sources depending on him, this manuscript had the number 102 in the Curzon library at Parham, but this could be a mistake for 106, as indicated by Layton (1987:xlviii, 393).

[ back ] 42. Roger Pearse and Carol Downer have reprinted all the passages of this work attributed to any “Eusebius” mentioned, without taking any stand (Pearse 2010:352–383), though in my estimation only fragments 1, 4, and 6 (Pearse’s numbering) can be considered as certainly deriving from Eusebius’ Questions; these correspond to the texts in Lagarde 1886:2, 80, 119. Concerning the numbering, it is worth mentioning that the total number of passages which have an attribution to Eusebius is twenty-three (Lagarde 1886:vi), but Pearse and Downer merge many extracts together and include among their fragments two texts that have no attribution: their fragments 5 and 12 are composed of three different passages in each, the fragment 14 of four, and the fragment 15 of two, while their fragments 11 and 17 have no attribution (Pearse 2010:360–362, 368–374, 376–382).

[ back ] 43. Caubet Iturbe 1969. This edition is based on the Vaticanus Arabicus 452, the most important and ancient manuscript, and the apparatus gives mainly variants of the other manuscripts (cf. x, xlvii–l, liii–liv and lvii–lix). Caubet Iturbe knows all fourteen Arabic manuscripts I list hereafter, but excludes five of them from his edition because they do not represent the same textual tradition he is editing (containing the extracts on Matthew), or, in the case of the manuscript of Bagdad, because he couldn’t have access to it (cf. xlvi–xlvii).

[ back ] 44. According to Caubet Iturbe 1969, only passages n. 1 (= Coptic 1) and 5 (= Coptic 6) really come from Eusebius’ Questions (1944:xxi–xxii). For texts and translations of these passages, cf. Caubet Iturbe 1969:8, 251; Caubet Iturbe 1944:9, 268. Again, Pearse republishes all five passages in his edition (Pearse 2010:386–392).

[ back ] 45. On Luke 1:39–40, cf. Lagarde 1886:119–120; Pearse 2010:362–363 (fragment 6 according to his numbering).

[ back ] 46. Zotenberg 1877:73 (the catalogue is published anonymously); cf. Achelis 1897:165.

[ back ] 47. Cf. Mai 1825:notes 24 and 32, as well as my commentary (Zamagni 2003:73–75, 90, 99, 108–110, etc.) and Guignard 2011:86–161.

[ back ] 48. Richard and Olivier 1995.

[ back ] 49. <>. I have also occasionally used the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts, <>, and the online catalogues of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, <>.

[ back ] 50. Mai 1825:xii; Mai 1847:217 (reprinted in PG 22.877–878). This letter is now republished in complete form in Pearse 2010:398–402.

[ back ] 51. Excepting the catalogues of Greek manuscripts listed in Richard (cf. note 48), I checked a total of 1174 catalogues. My search terms included Eusebius as an author, as well as fragments attributed to him, Nicetas as an author, Julius Africanus as an author, and any anonymous text concerning arguments or biblical passages discussed in Eusebius’ Questions, as well as the characters he mentioned (Stephanos and Marinos). These search criteria were however reduced in the case of catalogues lacking sufficiently comprehensive indexes.

[ back ] 52. Together with Parisinus Coislinianus 201 and Athos, Iviron 371; on this manuscript, cf. also Krikonis 1973.

[ back ] 53. Sickenberger 1902, and cf. Sickenberger 1898:55–84. See also the recent study of Nicetas’ textual tradition by Guignard 2011:69–76.

[ back ] 54. On the fragments of the Questions, cf. also Burgon 1871:43–44 (note), 47–48 (note x); Schwartz 1907:1387–1388; Preuschen 1893:578–579; Pearse 2010:ix, refers to forty or more Greek manuscripts, using information I provided him by email on March, 1, 2008.

[ back ] 55. The study of the Venetus Marcianus Graecus 61 by Guignard (2011:79–82, 189–193) has demonstrated in practice this statement, because the manuscript has been proved to be a new fragment coming from Eusebius’ Questions.

[ back ] 56. Beyer 1925–1927. Beyer actually edits the Vaticanus Syriacus 103, the Vaticanus Syriacus 154, and the Florentinus Orientalis 47.

[ back ] 57. See notes 41 and 43 above.

[ back ] 58. I have skipped here the description of the manuscripts’ content because it needs a careful checking on the manuscripts themselves and skipped also the bibliographic references because of a lack of space.

[ back ] 59. More than occasionally, these lacks are due to incomplete catalogues, or to the fact that folios containing Eusebius’ passages are not explicitly mentioned.