Franklin, John Curtis. 2016. Kinyras: The Divine Lyre. Hellenic Studies Series 70. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
3. The Knr
Jubal: Looking Back from Israel
According to this chronology, the ‘kinnōr’ had existed from time out of mind, long before the emergence of ‘Israel’—symbolized by Jacob—from the larger popular matrix descended from Noah. The passage incorporates a further chronological indicator: the kinnōr arises within a nomadic way of life such as was believed to have characterized the age of the patriarchs. [6] An equally important component of this ancient lifestyle, according to the inclusion of Tubal-Cain, was the working of metals.

Identifying the knr

The Early Lexical Evidence
The Problems of Stringing and Tuning
Limits of the Investigation