Greek: An Updating of a Survey of Recent Work

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Adrados, F. R. 1952. La Dialectología griega como fuente para el estudio de las migraciones indoeuropeas en Grecia. Acta Salmanticensia 5/3. Salamanca.

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———. 1967. “Correlations of tone and stress in ancient Greek.” In To honor Roman Jakobson: essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday I, 46–62. The Hague.

———. 1968a. 1st ed. of Allen 1987.

———. 1968b. Review of Stanford, W. B. 1967, The sound of Greek: studies in the Greek theory and practice of euphony. Berkeley. Gnomon 40:305–307.

———. 1987. Vox Graeca: The Pronunciation of Classical Greek. 3rd ed. Cambridge.

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———. 1921, 1923, 1924. Die griechischen Dialekte. 3 vols. Berlin.

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———. 1946. “Structure des relations de personne dans le verbe.” Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 43:1–12. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:225–236.

———. 1948. Noms d’agent et noms d’action en indo-européen. Paris.

———. 1949. “Euphémismes anciens et modernes.” Sprache 1:116–122. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:308–14.

———. 1951. “Don et échange dans le vocabulaire indo-européen.” L’Année Sociologique, 3rd ser., 1951:7–20. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:315–326.

———. 1954. “Problèmes sémantiques de la reconstruction.” Word 10:251–264. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:289–307.

———. 1956a. “La nature des pronoms.” In For Roman Jakobson: Essays on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, 11 October 1956, 34–37. The Hague. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:251–257.

———. 1956b. Comment on the rapport by E. Risch (“Caractères et position du dialecte mycénien”). In Lejeune 1956:263.

———. 1958. “De la subjectivité dans le langage.” Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique 1958:257–65. Reprinted in Benveniste 1966:258–266.

———. 1962. Hittite et indo-européen: Études comparatives. Paris.

———. 1964. “Renouvellement lexical et dérivation en grec ancien.” Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 59:24–39.

———. 1966. Problèmes de linguistique générale. Paris. Articles by Benveniste contained in this collection are cited by the date of original publication, placed next to the date 1966.

———. 1969. Le vocabulaire des institutions indo-européennes. 2 vols. Paris.

———. 1973. Translation of Benveniste 1969 by E. Palmer. London.

Björck, G. 1950. Das Alpha impurum und die tragische Kunstsprache: Attische Wort- und Stilstudien. Uppsala, Skrifter utgivna av Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala 39/1. Uppsala.

Blanc, A. 2008. Les contraintes métriques dans la poésie homérique: L’emploi des thèmes nominaux sigmatiques dans l’hexamètre dactylique. Leuven.

Boisacq, Ε. 1950. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. 4th ed., with index by H. Rix. Heidelberg.

Bourguet, Ε. 1927. Le dialecte laconien. Paris.

Brock, N. van. 1959. “Substitution rituelle.” Revue Hittite et Asianique 65:117–146.

Buck, C. D. 1955. The Greek Dialects: Grammar, Selected Inscriptions, Glossary. Chicago.

Buck, C. D., and W. Petersen. 1944. A Reverse Index of Greek Nouns and Adjectives, Arranged by Terminations with Brief Historical Introductions. Chicago.

Burguière, P. 1960. Histoire de l’infinitif en grec. Paris.

Burkert, W. 1960–1961. “Elysion.” Glotta 39:208–214.

Caland, W. 1893. “Beiträge zur kenntniss des Avesta. Part XXVI, Adjectiva auf -ra in der composition.” Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 32:592.

Casabona, J. 1967. Recherches sur le vocabulaire des sacrifices en grec, des origines à la fin de l’époque classique. Aix-en-Provence.

Chadwick, J. 1960. “Context and etymology in Mycenaean interpretations.” Studii Clasice 2:59–64.

———. 1963. The prehistory of the Greek language. Originally Vol. 2, Ch. 39 of the Cambridge Ancient History. Ed. I.E.S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, and N. G. L. Hammond. Issued as a separate fascicle with separate pagination. Cambridge.

———. 1967. The decipherment of Linear B. 2nd ed. Cambridge.

Chadwick, J., and L. Baumbach. 1963. “The Mycenaean Greek vocabulary.” Glotta 41:157–271.

Chantraine, P. 1926. Histoire du parfait grec. Paris.

———. 1953. Grammaire homérique. Vol. 2, Syntaxe. Paris.

———. 1956. Études sur le vocabulaire grec. Paris.

———. 1958. Grammaire homérique. Vol. 1, Phonétique et morphologie. 3rd ed. Paris.

———. 1961. Traité de morphologie grecque. 2nd ed. Paris.

———. 1965. “A propos de θωχθείς, τεθωγμένος, τεθαγμένος etc. …; philologie et grammaire comparée.” Symbolae linguisticae in honorem Georgii Kuryłowicz, 39–43. Wroclaw.

———. 1968–. See now Chantraine 2009.

———. 2009. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: histoire des mots. Ed. J. Taillardat, O. Masson, and J.-L. Perpillou, with a supplement “Chroniques d’étymologie grecque,” 1–10, ed. A. Blanc, Ch. de Lamberterie, and J.-L. Perpillou. Paris.

Chomsky, N. 1965. Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, MA.

Coleman, R. 1963. “The dialect geography of ancient Greece.” Transactions of the Philological Society 1963:58–126.

———. 1968. Reply to the question “To what extent was the Greek world dialectally differentiated as early as the Middle Helladic period, and provided it was clearly differentiated, in what degree did this differentiation correspond with that of the Classical era?” In Bartoněk 1968:169–170.

Corlu, A. 1966. Recherches sur les mots relatifs à l’idée de prière, d’Homère aux Tragiques. Paris.

Cowgill, W. 1964. “The supposed Cypriote optatives duwánoi and dṓkoi, with notes on the Greek infinitive formations.” Language 40:344–365.

———. 1966. “Ancient Greek dialectology in the light of Mycenaean. Ancient Indo-European dialects.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Indo-European Linguistics, held at the University of California, Los Angeles (April 25–27, 1963), Ed. H. Birnbaum and J. Puhvel, 77–95. Berkeley.

———. 1968. Reply to these questions: “What was the place of Aeolic in the Mycenaean world? What form of the original suffix -ti- can be assumed for the Mycenaean precursor of Aeolic?” In Bartoněk 1968:182.

Davies: see Morpurgo Davies.

Denniston, J. D. 1954. The Greek particles. 2nd ed., revised by K. J. Dover. Oxford.

Diver, W. 1958. “On the prehistory of Greek consonantism.” Word 14:1–25.

Dover, K. J. 1964. “The poetry of Archilochos.” In Archiloque . Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique 10:183–222. Geneva.

Dow, S. 1967. “Ekphantos.” Glotta 45:202–221.

Durante, M. 1958. “Epea pteroenta. La parola come ‘cammino’ in immagini greche e vediche.” Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 8th ser., 13:3–14. Rome. Reprinted (and translated into German) by Schmitt 1968:242–259. Addenda (1966) on p. 260.

———. 1960. “Ricerche sulla preistoria della lingua poetica greca. La terminologia relativa alla creazione poetica.” Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 8th ser., 15:231–249. Rome. Reprinted (and translated into German) by Schmitt 1968:261–290.

———. 1962. “Ricerche sulla preistoria della lingua poetica greca. L’epiteto.” Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 8th ser., 17:25–43. Rome. Reprinted (and translated into German) by Schmitt 1968:291–322. Addenda (1966) on pp. 322–323.

Egli, J. 1954. Heteroklisie im Griechischen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fälle von Gelenkheteroklisie. Zurich.

Einarson, B. 1967. “Notes on the development of the Greek alphabet.” Classical Philology 62:1–24.

Ernout, A., and A. Meillet. 1959. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine: histoire des mots. 4th ed. Paris.

Forbes, K. 1958. “The relations of the particle ἄv with κε(ν) κα καν.” Glotta 37:179–182.

Forderer, M. 1958. Review of Zumbach 1955. Gnomon 30:94–100.

Fournier, H. 1946. Les verbes ‘dire’ en grec ancien. Paris.

Frisk, H. 1960, 1961–. See now Frisk 1972.

———. 1972. Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 3 vols. Heidelberg. Abbreviated as GEW.

Gelb, I. J. 1963. A study of writing. 2nd ed. Chicago.

Gray, D. H. F. 1947. “Homeric epithets for things.” Classical Quarterly 61:109–121.

———. 1958. “Mycenaean names in Homer.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 78:43–48.

Guiraud, Ch. 1962. La phrase nominale en grec, d’Homère à Euripide. Paris.

Hamp, E. P. 1960. “Notes on early Greek phonology.” Glotta 38:183–203.

Harmatta, J. 1968. “Aḫḫiyawā names—Mycenaean names.” In Atti e memorie del 1˚ congresso internazionale di micenologia . Incunabula Graeca 25 I, 401–409. Rome.

Harvey, A. E. 1957. “Homeric epithets in Greek lyric poetry.” Classical Review 7:206–223.

Havers, W. 1946. Neuere Literatur zum Sprachtabu. Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 223/5. Vienna.

Hester, D. A. 1961. Praegraeca: Sprachliche Untersuchungen zum vorgriechisch-indogermanischen Substrat. Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe A 12. Erlangen.

———. 1965. “‘Pelasgian’—a new Indo-European language?” Lingua 13:335–384.

Hoekstra, A. 1965. Homeric modifications of formulaic prototypes: Studies in the development of Greek epic diction. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afdeling Letterkunde. Nieuwe reeks. 71/1. Amsterdam.

Hofmann, J. B. 1950. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen. Munich.

Holt, J. 1940. Les noms d’action en -σις (-τις): Études de linguistique grecque. Aarhus.

Horrocks, G. 1997. “Homer’s Dialect.” In A New Companion to Homer, ed. I. Morris and B. Powell, 193–217. Mnemosyne Supplement 163. Leiden.

Householder, F. W. 1959. “Ρa-ro and Mycenaean cases.” Glotta 38:1–10.

———. 1960. “Retrospects and prospects, from the viewpoint of linguistics: opening statement.” In Sebeok 1960:339–349.

———. 1964. “A morphophonemic question and a spelling rule.” In Mycenaean Studies: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium for Mycenaean Studies, September 4–8, 1961, ed. E. L. Bennett, 71–76. Madison, WI.

Humbert, J. 1930. La disparition du datif en grec. Paris.

Jacobsthal, H. 1907. Der Gebrauch der Tempora und Modi in den kretischen Dialektinschriften. Indogermanische Forschungen, Beiheft 21. Berlin.

Jakobson, R. 1932. “Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums.” In Charisteria Guilelmo Mathesio quinquagenario oblata, 74–84. Reprinted 1964 in A Prague School Reader in Linguistics, ed. J. Vachek, 347–359. Bloomington, IN.

———. 1937. Z zagadnień prozodii starogreckiej. Prace ofiarowane Kazimierzowi Wóycickiemu.Translated into English in Jakobson 1962, Selected Writings I, 262–271. The Hague.

———. 1952. “Studies in comparative Slavic metrics.” Oxford Slavonic Papers 3:21–66. Reprinted in Jakobson 1966, Selected Writings IV, 414–463. The Hague.

Janko, R., ed. 1992. The Iliad: A Commentary. Vol. 4, Books XIII–XVI. Series ed. G. S. Kirk. Cambridge.

Kastner, W. 1967. Die griechischen Adjektive zweier Endungen auf -ΟΣ. Heidelberg.

Kiechle, F. 1960. “Pylos und der pylische Raum in der antike Tradition.” Historia 9:1–67.

———. 1962. “Ostarkadische Ortsnamen auf pylischen Linear B-Tafeln. Ein Beitrag zur Besiedlungsgeschichte Arkadiens.” Kadmos 1:98–116.

Kiparsky, P. 1967. “A propos de l’histoire de l’accentuation grecque.” In La phonologie générative, ed. S. A. Sonane, 73–93. Langages 8. Paris.

———. 1968. “Tense and mood in Indo-European syntax.” Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 4:30–57.

Kretschmer, P., and E. Locker. 1963. Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache. 2nd ed., with additions by G. Kisser. Göttingen.

Kuhn, T. S. 1962. The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago.

Kuryłowicz, J. 1945–1949. “La nature des procès dits ‘analogiques’.” Acta Linguistica 5:15–37. Reprinted in Kuryłowicz 1960, Esquisses linguistiques, 66–88. Polska Akademia Nauk, Prace Językoznawcze 19. Wroclaw. Also reprinted 1966 in Readings in Linguistics II, ed. E. P. Hamp, F. W. Householder, and R. Austerlitz, 158–174. Chicago. At the time of my writing (1972), the third version was most readily available, and I referred to the pages of that version.

———. 1956. L’apophonie en indo-européen. Polska Akademia Nauk, Prace Językoznawcze 9. Wroclaw.

———. 1958. L’accentuation des langues indo-européennes. 2nd ed. Polska Akademia Nauk, Prace Językoznawcze 17. Wroclaw.

———. 1964. The inflectional categories of Indo-European. Heidelberg.

Laroche, E. 1949. Histoire de la racine NEM- en grec ancien: νέμω, νέμεσις, νόμος, νομίζω. Études et commentaries 6. Paris.

Latacz, J. 1967. Zum Wortfeld ‘Freude’ in der Sprache Homers. Heidelberg.

Latte, K. 1924. “Glossographika.” Philologus 80:136–175.

Lejeune, M. 1939. Les adverbes grecs en -θεν. Publications de l’Université de Bordeaux 3. Bordeaux.

———. 1940. Observations sur la langue des actes d’affranchissement delphiques. Collection linguistique 47. Paris.

———. 1955. Traité de phonétique grecque. 2nd ed. Paris. See now Lejeune 1972.

———, ed. 1956. Études mycéniennes: actes du colloque international sur les texts mycéniens, Gif-sur-Yvette, 3–7 avril 1956. Paris.

———. 1965. “Notes de morphologie mycénienne.” Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 60:1–17.

———. 1966. “Doublets et complexes.” In Palmer and Chadwick 1966:135–149.

———. 1968. “Rapport sur le grec mycénien.” In Atti e memorie del 1° congresso internazionale di micenologia . Incunabula Graeca 25 II, 726–32. Rome.

———. 1972. Phonétique historique du mycénien et du grec ancien. Tradition de l’humanisme 9. Paris.

Leumann, M. 1950. Homerische Wörter. Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft 3. Basel.

Lobeck, C. A. 1853 / 1862. Pathologiae Graeci sermonis Elementa. 2 vols. Königsberg.

Löfstedt, E. 1956a. Syntactica: Studien und Beiträge zur historischen Syntax des Lateins. Vol. 1, Über einige Grundfragen der lateinischen Nominalsyntax. 2nd ed. Acta Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis 10/1. Lund.

———. 1956b. Syntactica: Studien und Beiträge zur historischen Syntax des Lateins. Vol. 2, Syntaktisch-stilistische Gesichtspunkte und Probleme. Acta Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis 10/2. Lund.

Lord, A. B. 1960. The Singer of Tales. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 24. 2nd ed. 2000, with Introduction by S. Mitchell and G. Nagy [vii-xxix]). Cambridge, MA.

———. 1968. “Homer as an oral poet.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 72:1–46.

Lotz, J. 1960. “Metric typology.” In Sebeok 1960:135–148.

Martinet, A. 1964. Économie des changements phonétiques: Traité de phonologie diachronique. 2nd ed. Bern.

Masson, E. 1967. Recherches sur les plus anciens emprunts sémitiques en grec. Paris.

Masson, O. 1961. 1st ed. of Masson 1983.

———. 1983. Les inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques: Recueil critique et commenté. 2nd ed. Études chypriotes 1. Paris.

Meillet, A. 1921. Linguistique historique et linguistique générale. Vol. 1. Paris.

———. 1923. Les origines indo-européennes des mètres grecs. Paris.

———. 1925. La méthode comparative en linguistique historique. Paris.

———. 1926. “A propos de οἰστός.” Festschrift für Universitäts-Professor Hofrat Dr. Paul Kretschmer, 140–141. Vienna.

———. 1935. Aperçu d’une histoire de la langue grecque. 4th ed. Reissued 1965 as 7th ed., with an updated bibliography by O. Masson. Paris.

Meister, K. 1921. Die homerische Kunstsprache. Preisschriften der Jablonowskischen Gesellschaft 48. Leipzig.

Mitford, T. B. 1961. Studies in the signaries of South-Western Cyprus. University of London Institute of Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 10. London.

Monteil, P. 1963. La phrase relative en grec ancien, des origines à la fin du Ve siècle. Paris.

Morpurgo Davies, A. 1964. “‘Doric’ features in the language of Hesiod.” Glotta 42:138–165.

———. 1966. “An instrumental-ablative in Mycenaean?” In Palmer and Chadwick 1966:191–202.

Nagy, G. 1968. “On dialectal anomalies in Pylian texts.” In Atti e memorie del 1° congresso internazionale di micenologia . Incunabula Graeca 25 II, 663–679. Rome.

———. 1969. Review of Chadwick 1967. General Linguistics 9:123–132.

———. 1970. Greek dialects and the transformation of an Indo-European process. Cambridge, MA.

———. 1974. Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 33. Cambridge, MA.

———. 1983. “On the Death of Sarpedon.” In Approaches to Homer, ed. C. Rubino and C. Shelmerdine, 189–217. Austin, TX. Rewritten as part of ch. 5 in Nagy 1990b.

———. 1990a. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past. Baltimore.

———. 1990b. Greek Mythology and Poetics. Ithaca, NY.

———. 1994. “The Name of Apollo: Etymology and Essence.” In Apollo: Origins and Influences, ed. J. Solomon, 3–7. Tucson, AZ. Recast as ch. 7 in Nagy 2004.

———. 1994–1995. “A Mycenaean Reflex in Homer: phorênai.” Minos 29–30:171–175. See also Willi 1994–1995.

———. 2004. Homer’s Text and Language. Urbana, IL.

———. 2005. “The Epic Hero.” 2nd ed. (online version). Center for Hellenic Studies. Washington, DC.

Nehrbass, R. 1935. Sprache und Stil der Iamata von Epidauros: Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Philologus-Supplement 27/4. Leipzig.

Neumann, G. 1961. Untersuchungen zum Weiterleben hethitischen und luwischen Sprachgutes in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit. Wiesbaden.

Nilsson, M.P. 1921. Die Anfänge der Göttin Athene. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 4/7. Copenhagen.

Page, D. L. 1951. Alcman. The Partheneion. Oxford.

———. 1955a. Sappho and Alcaeus. An introduction to the study of ancient Lesbian poetry. Oxford.

———. 1955b. The Homeric Odyssey. Oxford.

———. 1959. History and the Homeric Iliad. Sather Classical Lectures 31. Berkeley.

———. 1964. “Archilochus and the oral tradition.” In Archiloque . Entretiens sur l’Antiquité Classique 10:119–179. Geneva.

Pagliaro, A. 1961. “῾Ιερός in Omero e la nozione di ‘sacro’ in Grecia.” Saggi di critica semantica, 90–123. 2nd ed. Biblioteca di cultura contemporanea 40. Messina. First appeared in 1947–1948 under the title “Riflessi linguistici della nozione di ‘sacro’ in Grecia.” Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 21:32–57.

Palmer, L. R. 1946. A grammar of the post-Ptolemaic papyri. Vol. 1, Accidence and word-formation. Pt. 1, The suffixes. Publications of the Philological Society 13. London.

———. 1950. “The Indo-European origins of Greek justice.” Transactions of the Philological Society 1950:149–168.

———. 1956. “The concept of social obligation in Indo-European. A study in structural semantics.” In Hommages à Max Niedermann, 258–269. Collection Latomus 23. Bruxelles.

———. 1963a. “The language of Homer.” In A companion to Homer, ed. A. J. B. Wace and F. H. Stubbings, 75–178. London.

———. 1963b. The interpretation of Mycenaean Greek texts. Oxford.

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———. 1928b. Les formules et la métrique d’Homère. Paris.

———. 1930. “Studies in the epic technique of oral verse-making. I: Homer and Homeric style.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 41:73–147.

———. 1932. “Studies in the epic technique of oral verse-making. II: The Homeric language as the language of an oral poetry.” Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 43:1–50.

———. 1934. “The traces of the digamma in Ionic and Lesbian.” Language 10:130–144.

Pavese, C. 1967. “La lingua della poesia corale come lingua d’una tradizione poetica settentrionale.” Glotta 45:164–185.

Pernot, H. 1934. Introduction à l’étude du dialecte tsakonien. Paris.

Pοrzig, W. 1954. “Sprachgeographische Untersuchungen zu den altgriechischen Dialekten.” Indogermanische Forschungen 61:147–169.

Prévot, A. 1935. L’aoriste grec en -θην. Paris.

Probert, P. 2003. A New Short Guide to the Accentuation of Ancient Greek. London.

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Puhvel, J. 1964. “A Mycenaean-Vedic titular coincidence.” Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 79:1–7.

Radermacher, L. 1947. Koinē. Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 224/5. Vienna.

Redard, G. 1949. Les noms grecs en -της, -τις et principalement en -ίτης, -ῖ τ ις. Étude philologique et linguistique. Études et commentaries 5. Paris.

———. 1953. Recherches sur ΧΡΗ, ΧΡΗΣΘΑΙ. Étude sémantique. Paris.

Renehan, R. 1968. “Some Greek lexicographical notes.” Glotta 46:60–73.

Risch, E. 1937. Wortbildung der homerischen Sprache. Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 9. Berlin and Leipzig.

———. 1949. “Altgriechische Dialektgeographie?” Museum Helveticum 6:19–28.

———. 1954a. “Zusammenfassender Literaturbericht für die Jahre 1939–1950: Griechische Sprache.” Glotta 33:179–227.

———. 1954b. “Die Sprache Alkmans.” Museum Helveticum 11:20–37.

———. 1955. “Die Gliederung der griechischen Dialekte in neuer Sicht.” Museum Helveticum 12:61–76.

———. 1957. “Zur Geschichte der griechischen Ethnika.” Museum Helveticum 14:63–74.

———. 1958. Review of Ruijgh 1957. Gnomon 30:90–94.

———. 1966. “Les différences dialectales dans le mycénien.” In Palmer and Chadwick 1966:150–157.

Ruijgh, C. J. 1957. L’élément achéen dans la langue épique. Assen.

Ruipérez, M. S. 1952. “Desinencias medias primarias indoeuropeas sg. 1a *-(m)ai, 2a *-soi, 3a *-toi, pl. За *-ntoi.” Emerita 20:8–31.

———. 1955. “Les études sur le Linéaire В depuis le déchiffrement de Ventris.” Minos 3:157–67.

———. 1956. “Esquisse d’une histoire du vocalisme grec.” Word 12:67–81.

Saussure, F. de. 1916. Cours de linguistique générale. Critical ed. 1972 by T. de Mauro. Paris.

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Schmitt, R. 1961. “Nektar.” Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 77:88. Reprinted by Schmitt 1968:324.

———. 1967. Dichtung und Dichtersprache in indogermanischer Zeit. Wiesbaden.

———, ed. 1968. Indogermanische Dichtersprache. Wege der Forschung 165. Darmstadt.

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