Schur, David. 2015. Plato's Wayward Path: Literary Form and the Republic. Hellenic Studies Series 66. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
Glossary of Key Greek Words
Greek words are transliterated and given in the forms they have as headwords in LSJ (e.g. heuriskō ‘to find’, literally ‘I find’). Other forms of the same word found in the text are noted under the headword unless they differ significantly. These words are meant as signposts for those who do not read Greek, and the definitions simply identify some relevant semantic ranges.
adikia ‘injustice’
agapaō ‘to be pleased, content’ (agapēseis ‘you will be content’, agapēsomen ‘we shall be content’)
agō ‘to lead, conduct’ (agousa, pl. agontes ‘leading, conducting’)
aisthēsis ‘sensation’
akouō ‘to hear’ (akousai [inf.] ‘to hear’)
alēthē, alēthēs ‘true’
an (functions as a modal, conditional particle)
anabainō ‘to ascend’; anabasis, -in ‘ascent’
anaballō ‘to postpone’ (anabalesthai [inf.] ‘to postpone’)
anagō ‘to lead upward’ (anagein [inf.] ‘to lead upward’)
analogos, -on ‘proportionate; in proportion’
anankē ‘necessarily’
angelos, -on ‘messenger’
anō ‘up, upward’; anōthen ‘above’
anodos, -on ‘upward path’ (= anō + hodos)
anupothetos, -on ‘unhypothesized’
apeikazō ‘to make a likeness of, compare’ (apeikason ‘form!’)
apeimi ‘to go away’ (apēimen ‘we were going away’, apiontes ‘going away’)
aphistēmi ‘to stand away from’ (apostēis ‘stand away!’) (= apo- + histēmi ‘stand’)
apisteō ‘to disbelieve, distrust, doubt’ (apistounta ‘doubting’, apistēsetai ‘he will doubt’) (= a- ‘not’ + pisteuō)
apo- ‘away from, back again’
apodidraskō ‘to run away’ (apodidraskōn ‘running away’)
arkhē, -n ‘beginning’
atelēs, -es ‘not complete’ (= a- + teleios)
atopos ‘strange, out of place’
brakhus ‘short’
dei ‘it is necessary’
deuro ‘here’
dialegomai ‘to converse’ (dialexometha ‘we will converse’); dialogos, -ou ‘conversation’
diapheugō ‘to flee through’ (= dia- ‘through’ + pheugō ‘to flee’)
dierkhomai ‘to go through’ (dielthein [aor. inf.] ‘to go through’, diēlthomen ‘we went through’, dielēluthamen ‘we have gone through’, dielēluthōs, diexelthontes ‘having gone through’, diexiōn ‘going through’)
dikaiosunē ‘justice’
dokeō ‘to think, seem’ (dokei, dokō ‘it seems’, dokēi ‘it might seem’, doxaimen ‘we would appear’)
*eidō (see horaō)
eidos ‘form, category’
eikasia ‘image, likeness; comparison’
eikōn, -ona ‘image, likeness’; eikazō ‘to make a likeness; compare’
eikos ‘likely, probable’
eisodon ‘entryway’ (= eis- ‘into’ + hodos)
ekgonos ‘child’
ekhō ‘to have, hold’ (ekhein [inf.] ‘to hold’, hexometha ‘we shall hold’)
elpis ‘hope’
elthein (see erkhomai)
engus ‘near’, engutata ‘nearest’
epanō ‘above’
episkopeō ‘to examine’ (episkepsōmetha ‘let us examine’)
erkhomai ‘to go’ (elthein [aor. 2 inf.] ‘to go’, dielēluthōs ‘having gone through’)
exeuriskō ‘to find out, discover’ (exēurēkenai [perf. inf.] ‘to have found out’) (= ex- ‘out’ + heuriskō)
heortazō ‘to keep festival or holiday’ (heortasai [inf.] ‘to take a holiday’)
heuriskō ‘to find’ (heurōmen ‘we shall find’, heurein [inf.] ‘to find’, hēurēkenai [perf. inf.] ‘to have found’)
hexō (future of ekhō)
hikanō ‘to come to (a place)’; hikanōs ‘sufficiently’
hodos, -on, -ou; pl. hodoi ‘path, road, way; journey’
homoiotēs, -ta ‘resemblance, similarity’; homoiotatos ‘most similar’
horaō ‘to see’ (horō ‘I see’, horasthai ‘to be seen’, horan ‘to see’, heōrakenai ‘to have seen’; idein ‘to see’, idoimen ‘we would see’, ide ‘see!, imagine!’ [from aor. 2. *eidō])
horos ‘definition; boundary, limit; rule, standard, measure; end, aim’
huper ‘over’
idea ‘form, kind, sort’
isōs ‘perhaps’
kados ‘jar, urn, box’
katabainō ‘to descend’ (katebēn ‘I went down’)
katadromē, -n ‘raid, incursion’ (= kata- ‘down’ + dromos ‘run’)
keleuō ‘to command’
khalepos (pl. -a) ‘difficult’
khrē ‘it must, one must’ (khrēnai [inf.] ‘it is necessary’)
kineō ‘to set in motion’ (kineite ‘you set in motion’)
legō ‘to speak, say’ (legomen ‘we say’, legousi ‘they say’)
logos, -ōi; pl. -oi, -ous ‘word, discourse, thought’
makros, -a ‘long’, makrotera ‘longer’
menō ‘to remain’ (menein [inf.] ‘to remain’)
metastrephō ‘to turn round’ (metestraphēn ‘turned round’)
methodos, -on ‘path of pursuit’ (pl. methodoi, -ōn) (= meta- ‘beside, along’ + hodos)
noeō ‘to think, conceive’ (noeisthai [inf.] ‘to think, conceive’)
oikade ‘homeward’
oiomai, oimai ‘to suppose’ (oiei ‘you suppose’)
opisthen ‘behind, from behind’
paradeigma, -tos, -ti ‘model, pattern’
pempō ‘to send, conduct, escort’ (epempon ‘they marched’)
periodos ‘way round, around’ (= peri- ‘around’ + hodos)
pisteuō ‘to believe’ (pisteuontos ‘believing’)
phainō ‘to make appear; be seen to appear’ (phainetai ‘it appears’)
phēmi ‘to speak’ (phaimen (opt.) ‘we should say’, phōmen (subj.) ‘let us say’)
poieō ‘to make, create’ (poieisthai [inf.] ‘to make’, poiēsetai ‘he will make’, poiōmen ‘let us make’, poioumenē ‘making’, epoioumen ‘we were making’)
politeia ‘political organization’
pompē ‘march, procession’
poreia, -ai ‘journey’; poreuō ‘to walk, travel’ (poreuōntai ‘they travel’, poreuomenōn, -ē ‘traveling’)
porrōthen ‘from a distance’
prattō ‘to do, fare’ (prattōmen ‘we will fare’)
pro ‘in front’
prophētēs ‘spokesman’
pros ‘toward’
proserkhomai ‘to go toward’ (proserkhetai ‘he goes toward’)
telos, -ei; teleutē, -n ‘end, completion, fulfillment’; teleiōs ‘completely’; teleutaō ‘to come to an end’ (teleutēsanta ‘coming to an end’)
theaomai ‘to look at’ (theasasthai [inf.] ‘to watch’, theasaimetha [opt.] ‘we should watch’); theōria ‘a looking at; sight-seeing trip’
thnēskō ‘to die’
ti ‘something’
tokos ‘offspring; interest’
tropos, -on, -ōi ‘turn; manner’
zēteō ‘to seek’ (zētein [inf.] ‘to seek’, zētoumen ‘we seek’, zētēsōmen ‘let us seek’, zētounta, pl. tes ‘seeking’); zētēsis ‘a seeking, investigation’, zētēma ‘something sought’