

Bibliography Adrados, F. R. 1952. La Dialectología griega como fuente para el estudio de las migraciones indoeuropeas en Grecia. Acta Salmanticensia 5/3. Salamanca. Ahrens, H. L. 1839 / 1843. De Graecae linguae dialectis. 2 vols. Göttingen. Allen, W. Read more


Foreword Building on the foundations of scholarship within the disciplines of philology, philosophy, history, and archaeology, this series concerns not just the archaic and classical periods of Greek traditions but the whole continuum—along with all the discontinuities—from the second millennium B.C.E. to the present. The aim is… Read more


Acknowledgments For my parents, for all they made possible, and for Mark, for living through it with me.   This book began as a doctoral dissertation for the Ph.D. in Classical Philology at Harvard University. I most gratefully acknowledge the help and encouragement of my… Read more

Introduction. Metaphors of Illegitimacy

Introduction. Metaphors of Illegitimacy On a billboard advertisement for a DNA paternity testing service, the selling line is “because you want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt.” [1] Doubt over the child’s parentage casts a metaphorical shadow, one that may… Read more

2. Teucer, the Bastard Archer

Chapter 2. Teucer, the Bastard Archer Teucer is well known as a nothos in classical Greek literature, and he appears in a number of narratives, including the Iliad, Sophocles’ Ajax, and Euripides’ Helen. As a result of his frequent appearance in the ancient sources, there are multiple… Read more

3. Images of Fertility and Sterility

Chapter 3. Images of Fertility and Sterility Teucer’s emerging role in Euripides’ Helen (examined in the last chapter) as the founder of New Salamis on Cyprus is an example of the way in which narratives can provide a legitimization process within themselves. Teucer, rejected by his father,… Read more


Abbreviations BA – The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry = N 1979 BA2 – 2nd ed. 1999 EH – “The Epic Hero” = N 2005a GM – Greek Mythology and Poetics = N 1990b HC –… Read more


Acknowledgments There are several people without whom this volume would have been significantly delayed or might not have come to press at all. On behalf of the contributors, I would like to express our collective appreciation for their assistance. First and foremost among these is James… Read more