
9. Fighting Deeds

Chapter 9. Fighting Deeds ἐπέων κεχολωμένος ἠδὲ καὶ ἔργων (Il . 11.703) {162|163} In the preceding chapter, khólos emerged in the context of speeches in which a character speaks out of anger or where the speaker elicits an angry reply, or both. Read more

12. Conclusions and a Comparison

Chapter 12. Conclusions and a Comparison {232|233} I began this study by reviewing the extensive literature on anger in Homer, with a view to finding a method that attends closely to Homeric poetic practice even as it looks to other disciplines including anthropology and linguistics. Such a… Read more

Appendix 1. Forms of Κότος Discussed in Part I

Appendix 1. Forms of Κότος Discussed in Part I Group 1 Iliad 8.449 ὀλλῦσαι Τρῶας, τοῖσιν κότον αἰνὸν ἔθεσθε Iliad 16.449 υἱέες ἀθανάτων, τοῖσιν κότον αἰνὸν ἐνήσεις Odyssey 11.102 λήσειν ἐννοσίγαιον, ὅ τοι κότον ἔνθετο θυμῷ … Read more