

References 1. Edited works of Michael Psellos Dennis, G. 1994. Michaelis Pselli Orationes forenses et acta. Stuttgart. Duffy, J. 1992. Michaelis Pselli Philosophica minora I. Stuttgart. Fisher, E. 1994. Michaelis Pselli Orationes hagiographicae. Stuttgart. … Read more


Acknowledgments to the 1979 Edition It took a long time to write this book, and I now have anxieties about whether I can recall the names of all those who have given advice along the way. The list that I offer here may be incomplete, and I… Read more

Foreword to the 1999 Second Edition

Foreword to the 1999 Second Edition F§1. The Best of the Achaeans is intended for both non-specialists and specialists in Homer and in other forms of archaic Greek poetry. [1] More generally, it is for non-Classicists as well as Classicists (that is,… Read more

Introduction. A Word on Assumptions, Methods, Results

Introduction. A Word on Assumptions, Methods, Results [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers… Read more

2. The Best of the Achaeans

Chapter 2. The Best of the Achaeans 2§1. It is an overall Iliadic theme that Achilles is “best of the Achaeans,” as I will now try to show. [1] The title is hotly contested. The central grievance of Achilles in the Iliad… Read more

6. Lamentation and the Hero

Chapter 6. Lamentation and the Hero 6§1. The social dimensions of the actual word ákhos ‘grief’ have so far been explored mainly in terms of its thematic relationship with the concept of lāós ‘host of fighting men’ in epic diction. The time has now come to explore… Read more