
Part I. Greece. 11. Tyrtaeus: The Lame General

Chapter 11. Tyrtaeus: The Lame General Virtually all critics agree that the story of Tyrtaeus, in which the lame Athenian schoolmaster is sent to the Spartans as a joke, only to become their general in the Second Messenian War, is unhistorical—a piece of Attic propaganda, perhaps, to… Read more

8. Tragedy Off-Stage, Debra Nails

8. Tragedy Off-Stage Debra Nails Plato weaves strands of the tragic and the comic, high seriousness and low bawdiness, into his Symposium; that much is uncontroversial. If someone should miss the sweep of the plot from the celebration of Agathon’s prize for tragedy to the waves… Read more

11. Female Imagery in Plato, Angela Hobbs

Eleven: Female Imagery in Plato Angela Hobbs The Image of the Pregnant Philosopher At Symposium 206c–e Diotima tells us that all humans (anthrôpoi) are pregnant (kuousin) in both body and soul, and require contact with the beautiful in order to be able to relieve… Read more