

The Contributors Ruby Blondell is Professor of Classics at the University of Washington, Seattle. Luc Brisson is Directeur de Recherche at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Jeffrey Carnes is Associate Professor of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics at Syracuse University. Gabriela Carone… Read more

Epilogue: The Medallions and Other Magic Gardens

Epilogue: The Medallions and Other Magic Gardens Barely visible beneath a century’s accumulation of grime, a limpid lake beckons the viewer, its grassy shores flanked by stands of stately trees, its waters reflecting the clouds that grace a moody sky. On the opposite wall is its pendent,… Read more


Illustrations   Figure 1. Mapping utopia. Map of the wanderings of Odysseus.   Figure 2. Blueprint of the ideal polis. Reconstruction: The Shield of Achilles.   Figure 3. A landscape “of unusual, even startling interest.” Red-figure pelikē: Odysseus, Elpenor, and Hermes in the Underworld. Read more


Bibliography Agrest, D. I. 1991. Architecture from Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice. Cambridge, MA. Alberti, L. B. 1965. The Ten Books of Architecture (1485). Reprint from the Leoni Edition of 1755, ed. J. Rykwert. London. Alden,… Read more

Diagrams and Illustrations

Diagrams and Illustrations [Due to copyright restrictions, some of the images included in the print version of this book are not available for reproduction online. Where possible, those unavailable images have been replaced by open source images or links to relevant citation information.] Chapter Eight… Read more


Acknowledgments To our students past, present, and future Each of the essays included in this volume was presented at a conference held at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC, in August of 2005. On behalf of all the conference participants we would like… Read more