
4. The King of Sacrifice

4. The King of Sacrifice From its outset, the Iliad connects Agamemnon’s power to sacrifice. Sacrifice serves simultaneously as a display of his status-based hierarchy over the Akhaian army and, contextualized in the Panakhaian society at Troy, as a show of timê ‘honor’ toward the gods. It… Read more


Bibliography Adkins, A. W. H. 1960. “Honour and Punishment in the Homeric Poems.” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 7:23–32. ———. 1969. “EUXOMAI, EUXWLH, and EUXOS in Homer.” Classical Quarterly 19:20–33. ———. 1972. “Homeric Gods and the… Read more


Foreword It is difficult to find words to describe the intellectual challenge offered by the invitation from the Classics Department of Harvard University in Fall 2000 to present the four Carl Newell Jackson lectures to an audience which managed to combine critical attention with a welcoming acceptance… Read more

Translator’s Preface

Translator’s Preface This translation, undertaken with the support of the Fondation Chuard Schmid at the Université de Lausanne and the Center for Hellenic Studies, is intended in part to address our ambivalence about translation. Translation nearly always represents compromise in our various fields of study. Academics, especially… Read more