
Chapter 7. Described Objects

Chapter 7. Described Objects In this chapter I will deal with the various spatial aspects of object description in the Iliad. The selected examples are chosen because these objects are described at some length, and are therefore most suitable for analysis and interpretation. In order to avoid… Read more

Chapter 8. Ecphrastic Space

Chapter 8. Ecphrastic Space By the term ecphrastic space, I refer to: (1) the “external” or “physical” space or material on which the depiction is placed; and (2) the “internal” space or spaces mentioned in the various narrative snapshots of the ecphrasis, which consists of the individual… Read more


Bibliography Adema, S. M. 2008. Discourse Modes and Bases: A Study of the Use of Tenses in Vergil’s Aeneid. Amsterdam. Adrados, F. R. 1975. Lingüística indoeuropea. Madrid. ———. 1992. Nueva sintaxis del griego antiguo. Madrid. … Read more


Preface In transcribing Greek names from Homer, I have generally followed modern principles of strict transliteration, for example rendering υ as u, ου as ou, and χ as kh: thus Antilokhos, Ekhemmon, Othruoneus, Thumbraios, and Lukourgos. In the case of some well-known names, however, I have opted… Read more


Acknowledgments As with many things in life, so with books, ends and beginnings come strangely close. The completion of what started as a research project four years ago makes me think of all those who have helped me bring this book to its present form. Different people… Read more


Introduction The aim of this book is to offer a comprehensive study of space in the Iliad. Space constitutes a wide-ranging area of research, well beyond the limited concepts of landscape or setting. [1] Space in narrative is of prime importance for… Read more