
4. Six Problems with Loving Humanity

Chapter 4. Six Problemswith Loving Humanity It is one thing to observe how a leader is portrayed with fundamental and derivative traits; it is still more important to determine how well these traits actually translate into effective leadership. In the next three chapters we consider the implications… Read more

5. Five Problems with Loving to Learn

Chapter 5. Five Problems with Loving to Learn Prima facie the love of learning should be the least problematic of any leadership trait. Obviously all leaders need to know things and pay attention to things in order to help their followers, but this is not all that… Read more

6. Three Problems with Wanting To Be Honored

Chapter 6. Three Problems with Wanting To Be Honored The love of being honored is the leadership trait in the ancient Greek world that most resembles high-voltage electricity. As we have seen (pp. 76–77), it is a primary source of Cyrus’ energy and enthusiasm for leadership, but it… Read more

8. Preliminary Conclusions

Chapter 8. Preliminary Conclusions In this study we have argued that the murder of King Bardiya and his helper Gaumāta—both of whom we consider to be historical personalities—gave rise to two distinct narratives, each targeting a specific audience. As a means to cover up the murder of… Read more

Appendix I. Formulaic Analysis of Kerdīr’s Inscriptions

Appendix I. Formulaic Analysis of Kerdīr’s Inscriptions In the present appendix, formulae (or repetitions) that have occurred at least twice, word for word, are underlined; in contrast, formulae that are variations from other encountered word-clusters, and thus represent “varying formulae,” are presented in bold. The present texts… Read more


Bibliography Sources Classical Authors Ahbel-Rappe, Sara. 2010. Damascius’ Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles. Oxford. Ambaglio, Delfino. 1980. L’opera storiografica di Ellanico di Lesbo: Introduzione, tra-duzione delle testimonianze e dei frammenti, commento storico. Ricerche di Storiografia Antica 2. Pisa. … Read more


Acknowledgments Anthony A. Long, Giovanni R. F. Ferrari, and Mark Griffith supervised my first work on this topic in Berkeley. I am grateful for their continuing support. That 2003 dissertation did not yet discuss Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Plato’s Phaedrus, the biographical genre, or Isocrates’ Philip (whereas it… Read more