

Introduction αἱ δὲ βίον σοφίῃσιν ἐκόσμεον. And some gave life the ornament of their wise arts. Orphic Catabasis, P. Bon. 4, fol. 3r, line 7 This book is a study of the professional, literary, political, and… Read more

Part I. Isocrates and Aristotle: An Entanglement. 3. Aristotle in the Afternoon: Rhetoric, Exoterica, and the Compromised Philosopher

Chapter 3. Aristotle in the Afternoon: Rhetoric, Exoterica, and the Compromised Philosopher The surviving Aristotelian corpus, which seems largely to preserve the teachings and discussions conducted by Aristotle within his school, contains multitudes enough for Aristotle’s followers and interpreters. It establishes Aristotle, on the one hand, as… Read more

Chapter 4. Christianity as the Universal Practical Virtue

Chapter 4. Christianity as the Universal Practical Virtue The presentation of Christianity as a way of life maintains a significant thematic resonance throughout Theodoret’s Therapeutikê. Following the long line of Christian authors who from an early stage offered Christianity as a response to pagan polemic, his motivation… Read more


Conclusion This book has sought to study several aspects of Theodoret’s apologetics. By showing the number of methods that Theodoret employs to engage the larger problems of his period, his dynamism and the urgency of his project have become apparent. Rather than a “stale exercise,” [… Read more


Bibliography Primary Sources Ambjörn, L., trans. 2008. Zacharias of Mytilene. The Life of Severus. Piscataway, NJ. Burguière, P., and P. Évieux, eds. 1985. Cyril of Alexandria. Contra Iulianum. Sources chrétiennes 322. Paris. Canivet, P., ed. 2000–2001. Theodoret… Read more


Acknowledgments To Farideh and Daryush It is a great pleasure to acknowledge those who have generously afforded me their time and insights during the composition of this study. My gratitude to Prods Oktor Skjærvø, Richard N. Frye, and Ernst Badian for their comments on earlier… Read more