

Abbreviations C. Hier. Eusebius, Contra Hieroclem (Against Hierocles) C. Marc. Eusebius, Contra Marcellum (Against Marcellus)CCSL Corpus Christianorum Series Latina Chron. Eusebius, Chronicon (Chronicle)Chron. Can. Eusebius, Chronici Canones (Chronological Canons)CI Eusebius, Commentarius in Isaiam (Commentary on Isaiah)CPG Clavis Patrum Graecorum… Read more

13. Lucio Bertelli, Aristotle and History

13. Aristotle and History Lucio Bertelli The title of my paper may wrongly suggest that I am going to discuss Aristotle’s famous—I should perhaps say infamous—comparison in the Poetics between tragedy and history (Poetics 9). In fact, this passage from the Poetics, one of the rare… Read more


Everything is in a way less deep and deeper than you think. You want a long explanation, but in the end your explanation repeats what you knew at the start. You said yourself it was like remembering. Socrates to Plato Iris Murdoch “Art and… Read more


Introduction This book is about a particular form of writing by Christians in late antiquity, sometimes referred to as “the philosophical dialogue”—although by no means all the dialogues in question can be regarded as philosophical. The subject is central to the much wider question of the development… Read more

Chapter 3. Writing Dialogue

Chapter 3. Writing Dialogue In my final chapter I will discuss three very different examples of Greek Christian dialogue-writing, two of them from the late antique period, the third composed later, but with a dramatic date in late antiquity. The first has attracted attention already, but is… Read more

Conclusion. The Byzantine Future

Conclusion. The Byzantine Future I have made a case here for Christian dialogues in late antiquity and beyond as a large and fruitful field of research, over and above comparisons with Socratic or Ciceronian dialogues, and at the same time indicated something of the richness of the… Read more


Bibliography Editions and Translations of Primary Sources Allen, P. 2009. Sophronius of Jerusalem and Seventh-Century Heresy: The Synodical Letter and Other Documents; Introduction, Texts, Translations and Commentary. Oxford. Allen, P., and B. Neil. 1999. Scripta Saeculi VII Vitam Maximi Confessoris Illustrantia. Read more