
Bibliography of Most Frequently Cited Works

Bibliography of Most Frequently Cited Works Andersen, Ø. 1978. Die Diomedes-Gestalt in der Ilias. Symbolae Osloenses suppl. 25. Oslo. Bethe, E. 1891. Thebanische Heldenlieder. Leipzig. Burkert, W. 1981. “The Seven Against Thebes: An Oral Tradition between Babylonian Magic… Read more


Abbreviations In the spirit of the series, I have kept abbreviations to a minimum, so as to make the book as reader-friendly as possible. Some of them, however, are very frequent or very convenient, and although most readers are likely to recognize them at first glance, others… Read more


Preface The Giants drag down everything from heaven and the invisible to earth, grasping rocks and trees with their hands … and if anyone says that anything else, which has no body, exists, they despise him utterly, and will not listen to any other theory …… Read more


Acknowledgments This book was written almost entirely at the Center of Hellenic Studies: I owe to the Center much more than I can put down in words. I loved the place and I adored the people. In the Phaedrus, Socrates says that trees, unlike people, have nothing… Read more

Chapter 1. Terpsichore

Chapter 1. Terpsichore To Terpsichore, the cicadas report those who have honored her in the choral dance (τοὺς ἐν τοῖς χοροῖς τετιμηκότας), and make them dearer to her Phaedrus 259c–d From the third frieze of the François vase,… Read more

12. The Performance of Homer after Ⅳ BC

12. The Performance of Homer after Ⅳ BC Although the homēristēs whom I have already considered [1] takes us decisively into Roman imperial times, I now return more broadly to the performance of Homer during and after the Hellenistic period by professionals who… Read more

14. The Aristotelian tekhnē of hypokrisis

14. The Aristotelian tekhnē of hypokrisis 14.1 Technical hypokrisis We come at last to Rhetoric 1404a12–19, the section where Aristotle makes clear what approach to λέξις and ὑπόκρισις he intends to take in the rest of the treatise: ἐκείνη μὲν οὖν ὅταν ἔλθῃ ταὐτὸ ποιήσει τῇ… Read more