
Appendix F. Theodontius: Another Cilician Kinyras?

Appendix F. Theodontius: Another Cilician Kinyras? One further and quite peculiar Cilician connection for Kinyras is found in Boccaccio’s Genealogy of the Pagan Gods. This massive and impressive synthesis, many years in the making (ca. 1350–1375), was undertaken at the behest of King Hugo IV of Cyprus… Read more

Balang-Gods, Wolfgang Heimpel

Balang-Gods Wolfgang Heimpel Introduction [1] In his 1997 essay “The Holy Drum, the Spear, and the Harp: Towards an Understanding of the Problems of Deification in Third Millennium Mesopotamia,” Gebhard Selz found that the items in his title and… Read more


Bibliography Abel, E. 1891. Scholia recentia in Pindari epinicia, vol. 1. Berlin. Ackerman, S. 2001. Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth-Century Judah. Winona Lake. Adang, C. 1996. Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From… Read more


Acknowledgments Many individuals deserve thanks for helping me produce this work, some for their great personal support, some for intellectual support, and many for both. First I must thank Jessica, my wife, for her unflagging encouragement and for the patience that she showed during my many late… Read more


Introduction The world of the ancient Greeks did not arise ex nihilo but developed from earlier cultures, which are harder to evaluate because of their extreme age. The last century or more of research has, however, proven that most of the languages of Europe, the Near East,… Read more

1. “Swift Horses” from Proto-Indo-European to Greek

1. “Swift Horses” from Proto-Indo-European to Greek Horses are nearly ubiquitous in the early recorded poetries of the Indo-European world, and one particular facet of this presents a perfect starting point for our discussion: a reconstructible Proto-Indo-European poetic expression describing horses. For the earliest poetries of Greece,… Read more

12. Kinyras the Lamenter

12. Kinyras the Lamenter In the Gudea Cylinders, the ‘court’ of Ningirsu included two separate balang-gods, one overseeing music to “make the temple happy,” the other “to banish mourning from the mourning heart.” [1] This dichotomy, reflecting basic aspects of human experience… Read more

13. The Talents of Kinyras

13. The Talents of Kinyras Our analysis of Cypriot iconography and the prehistory of kinýra (and associated music) is compatible with the idea that Kinyras could go back to the pre-Greek island in some form. And after all, our best evidence for divinized instruments is of BA… Read more