
III.3. The Tears of Women

III.3. The Tears of Women Women do not have it in their nature to compete with the virtue and the greatness of men. On this point, Greek epic does not contradict a universally recognized tradition. Contrary to men, who, through their courage and great deeds, pass from… Read more

III.4. The Language of Tears

III.4. The Language of Tears His cheeks were soon wet with tears, as his feelings suddenly broke loose; he would have wept himself away in the distance, that no trace of his existence might remain. Amid his deep-drawn sighs he seemed to recover; the soft,… Read more

III.5. The Weeping Body of Achilles

III.5. The Weeping Body of Achilles Achilles embodies all of the main heroic qualities that are accorded singly to other heroes. [1] He is beauty, strength, and excellence all at the same time. If, in a certain way, the Iliad exalts human… Read more


Conclusion As we arrive at the end of this examination, it appears that heroism is, in essence, an ambiguous concept. At first glance, it seems that masculinity is at the core of heroism, and, further, that the limits of heroism coincide with those of masculinity. Without a… Read more


Bibliography Adkins, A. W. H. 1960. Merit and Responsibility. A Study in Greek Values. Oxford. ———. 1963. “‘Friendship’ and ‘Self-Sufficiency’ in Homer and Aristotle.” Classical Quarterly n.s. 13:30–45. ———. 1969. “Threatening, Abusing, and Feeling Angry in the Homeric… Read more

List of Figures

List of Figures All figures drawn by Glynnis Fawkes unless otherwise noted. Figure 1. Detail from ‘Sea Peoples’ reliefs, Medinet Habu, reign of Ramses III (ca. 1184–1152). Drawn from Nelson et al. 1930, pl. 36–37. Figure 2. ‘Harp treaty’, unprovenanced Mesopotamian cylinder seal, ca. fourteenth… Read more


Preface Κυπρογενῆ Κυθέρειαν ἀείσομαι ἥ τε βροτοῖσι μείλιχα δῶρα δίδωσιν, ἐφ’ ἱμερτῷ δὲ προσώπῳ αἰεὶ μειδιάει καὶ ἐφ’ ἱμερτὸν θέει ἄνθος —with eternal gratitude for Glynnis, Sylvan, and Helen Kinyras has deep roots on Cyprus. He came to the island, I argue,… Read more

Conventions and Abbreviations

Conventions and Abbreviations To keep the main text as accessible as possible, I have presented all Greek in transliteration (retaining accentuation as several key points depend on this); more specialized philological issues are dealt with in the footnotes, where I have not always translated Greek and Latin. Read more