Rotstein, Andrea. 2016. Literary History in the Parian Marble. Hellenic Studies Series 68. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
[Due to copyright restrictions, the images included in the print version of this book are not available for reproduction online. Where possible, those images have been replaced by line drawings, open source images, or links to relevant citation information.]
Plate 1. The Parian Marble, section A. Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, inv. ANChandler.2.23. Photo ©Ashmolean Museum. [To view a version of the image, visit the following URL:]

Plate 2. The Parian Marble, section A. Drawing after Felix Jacoby, Das Marmor Parium (Berlin 1904), Beilage II.
Plate 3. The Parian Marble, section B. Archaeological Museum of Paros, inv. no. A26. Photo © Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Culture and Sports, General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage / Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades. [To view a version of the image, visit the following URL:]

Plate 4. The Parian Marble, section B. Archaeological Museum, Paros. Drawing after Felix Jacoby, Das Marmor Parium (Berlin 1904), Beilage III.
Plate 5. Chronicon Romanum, recto (5a) and verso (5b). Capitoline Museum, Rome, inv. MC 342/S. Photo courtesy of the Capitoline Museum. [Images similar to Plates 5a and 5b may be found in Squire 2011:50–51, figs. 16 and 17.]

Plate 6. Getty Table, or “Tabula Iliaca” inscription, obverse (6a) and reverse (6b). The J. Paul Getty Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, California, inv. 81.AA.113. Gift of Vasek Polak. Photos courtesy of the Getty Museum’s Open Content Program (obverse) and the Getty Museum (reverse). [ Digital image of 6a courtesy of the Getty Museum’s Open Content Program. An image similar to Plate 6b may be found in Squire 2011:53, fig. 19.]
Plate 7. Mnesiepes Inscription, blocks E1 (7a) and E2 (7b). Archaeological Museum of Paros, inv. no. 175. Photo © Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Culture and Sports, General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage / Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades. [Images similar to Plates 7a and 7b may be found in Kontolean 1952:35–36, figs. 1–2.]
Plate 8. Mnesiepes Inscription, E1 III, lines 27–36. Original inscription in the Archaeological Museum of Paros. Squeeze photo courtesy of the Inscriptiones Graecae archive.
Plate 9: Comparison of squeezes from the Parian Marble, Section B (top) and the Mnesiepes Inscription (bottom). Squeeze photos courtesy of the Inscriptiones Graecae archive.