CHS Celebrates Open Access Week

In keeping with its commitment to open access, the CHS has made the full text of its Hellenic Studies Series available online. The CHS has also obtained the necessary permissions to create electronic repositories of other books and articles, in addition to providing full-text English translations of a selection of works of classical Greek literature. These works are generally derived from editions that are out of copyright, which have been updated by a team of dedicated researchers and students.
The CHS in Greece, from its inception, has been open to the public, and it welcomes researchers, collaborative programs, and visitors to its public areas and study rooms. Further enhancing open access, the CHS in Greece provides a multitude of electronic repositories and resources through its Digital Library, which is available to every visiting researcher and student. As a virtual space dedicated to study and research, the Digital Library is committed to improving free and open access to academic and scientific materials for the ever-growing Greek and worldwide educational communities.

The CHS is also involved in large-scale digital humanities projects that aim to create open-source platforms for use by enthusiasts and researchers at all levels. The Free First Thousand Years of Greek (FF1K), a project ten years in the making, will soon comprise the texts attested in manuscript from the earliest antiquity up to the 3rd Century C.E., with some later additions, such as the marginal scholia for authors like Homer and Pindar, or Stobaeus (5th Century CE). Currently, over 23 million words of Greek have been added to this corpus. The FF1k is a subset of the Open Greek and Latin Project (OGL), which will eventually bring together all the Classical Greek and Latin texts from antiquity up to the present, including both ancient and Neo-Latin and Neo-Greek texts, papyri, and inscriptions. The OGL is now partially accessible via the Scaife Viewer, the beta version of an interface into its texts, which currently amount to about 23 million words of Greek and 15 million words of Latin.
As an outgrowth of the development of the Homer Commentary in Progress, the CHS is also partnering with Archimedes Digital to generate a digital collections interface, New Alexandria, which will soon allow users to create their own commentaries, providing them with “infinite margins” in which to make observations, conduct research, or provide translations on texts, either in isolation or in relation to one another. This platform, along with the texts in its server are all available free to the public.