
Genocide in Ancient Greece?

Join us on Friday, November 17 at 11:00 a.m. for a roundtable discussion about genocide in antiquity, particularly Ancient Greece. Is genocide a purely modern concept and action, or has it been happening for millennia? Read more

Пайдейя и культ: христианская инициация по Феодору Мопсуестийскому

науч. ред. В. К. Пичугиной, пред. В. К. Пичугиной, З. А. Лурье, пер. З. А. Лурье. — СПб.: Изд-во РХГА, 2023. — 264 с. — (Серия «Paideia»). Эта книга является переводом на русский язык книги Даниэля Л. Шварца — доцента факультета религиоведения, заместителя директора Центра цифровых гуманитарных исследований Техасского университета A&M (США). Автор… Read more


In Memoriam: Gloria Ferrari Pinney

The Center for Hellenic Studies is deeply saddened by the loss of Gloria Ferrari Pinney, former Senior Fellow (2000-2006, and 2016-2021), Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, Emerita at Harvard University. Read more


In Memoriam: Kurt A. Raaflaub

The Center for Hellenic Studies would like to express our sincerest condolences to the family of the late Kurt A. Raaflaub, Professor Emeritus of Classics at Brown University, CHS Fellow in 1976-1977, and co-director of the Center for Hellenic Studies from 1992-2000 alongside his wife, Deborah Boedeker. Read more