
Fellow Talk | Stella Katsarou

Greece hosted vibrant Neolithic communities that spread over various landscapes, including caves in all settings. The absence of textual evidence makes materiality our utmost medium through those communities’ social and spiritual worlds. Read more

Fellow Talk | Maria Choleva

Is technology a dis-embodied entity estranged from the socio-historical human experience, as the Western modern view of production would assert? Are techniques and tools adopted and transferred as neutral technical information or as socially and culturally significant practices? How is the body-material-tool relationship shaped by culture, materializing human behavior, social relations, and worldviews? Read more

Alcaeus in Sacred Space

[The printed version of this article was published in Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all’ età ellenistica: Scritti in onore di Bruno Gentili (ed. R. Pretagostini) vol. 1, 221–225. Rome 1993. The original pagination of the printed version will be indicated in this electronic version by way… Read more

Gli horoi rupestri dell’attica

CHS/DAI Joint Fellow La vexata quaestio dei confini demici Un interessante ed alquanto nutrito dibattito si è svolto ed è tuttora in corso nel tentativo di definire con maggior precisione quale fosse l’effettiva natura dei demi clistenici. L’opinione predominante è che, nel compiere la sua riorganizzazione politica dell’Attica, Clistene immaginò… Read more

Ο Απουλήιος στο Ναύπλιο: Επίσημη παρουσίαση δύο πρόσφατων εκδόσεων για το έργο του Απουλήιου

Το Κέντρο Ελληνικών Σπουδών (Ελλάδος), Πανεπιστήμιο Harvard και η Ερευνητική ομάδα Groningen Commentaries on Apuleius, συνδιοργανώνουν την ακόλουθη ημερίδα: Ο Απουλήιος  στο Ναύπλιο Επίσημη παρουσίαση δύο πρόσφατων εκδόσεων για το έργο του Απουλήιου Παρασκευή, 16 Οκτωβρίου, 10:00 π.μ. Κέντρο Ελληνικών Σπουδών Πανεπιστημίου Harvard, Αίθουσα Διαλέξεων «Οικογενείας Νίκου… Read more