Study Spaces
- The residential fellows have individual offices outside the upstairs library floor to which they may bring checked-out books and journals.
- For library readers there are six carrels on the downstairs floor in the library in addition to the large table of new book arrivals. Under the lightwell there are comfortable armchairs and a small table.
- On the upstairs floor there is a large table in the middle aisle and additional tables and chairs behind doors in the main aisle opposite the window aisle, including comfortable armchairs. The doors are often closed in order to control the level of humidity in the library, but they are not locked and can be opened for additional study space. The Black Classicists Room, for example, is part of the library.
- Please note that in case a checked-out book is needed temporarily by a visiting scholar, the library staff may enter fellows’ offices to retrieve it or take it from a reader’s shelf. If the fellow or reader is not present, staff will leave a note.

- The library can accommodate wheelchairs as the aisles are spacious and there is an elevator.
- The CHS has a side entrance without stairs leading to an elevator and the downstairs floor of the library.
- The book scanner has audio and visual instructions in addition to written ones.
- The library staff is always happy to help retrieve books if needed.
- Once approved as a reader, please call 202-745-4400 or 202-745-4433 for CHS staff to open the gate and side door if needed.
Handling Books
To extend the life of printed materials, please handle books with care.
- Please wash your hands before consulting the library’s books;
- do not pull books by their spine;
- do not earmark or put Post-it notes or paper clips in them;
- use bookmarks instead which can be found on the counter on the downstairs floor of the library and upstairs on the desk by the large table;
- do not write (or provide “scholia”) in the library’s books or underline.
New Books
Newly arrived monographs and journal issues are placed on the large table on the downstairs level of the library for easy consultation.

Food and Drink
- No food is allowed in the library. Water only is allowed in sealed containers.
- Lunch is served for the fellows in the downstairs dining room M-F 12:30-1:30 pm. Readers are welcome to join for the modest price of $15 provided that the CHS kitchen is notified in advance, also communicating any particular dietary needs.
- Readers are welcome to bring snacks and lunch and eat in the CHS common room upstairs or in the courtyard during nice weather. The CHS and its library do not close for lunch.
- The main restroom and the one we encourage visitors to use is located on the main floor to the right as you enter the CHS main building, to the left of the common room.
- There is also a restroom outside the fellows’ offices and a restroom outside the downstairs floor of the library by the elevator, mostly used by fellows and staff respectively.
To access the Harvard library catalog HOLLIS and databases, you must use your own laptop. The CHS provides wifi while on campus. There are no public terminals in the library.
- Fellows have access to a scanner and printer by their offices.
- Readers have access to a book scanner in a room on the downstairs floor of the library. Place the book in the middle with the pages facing upward for the overhead camera. Save to a USB key or send to your email address. Printing is not available to readers.