
Le Héros Grec en 24 Heures

La Vie des Classiques vous offre la possibilité de retrouver l’intégralité des vidéos sous-titrées en français du MOOC de Harvard: Le professeur Gregory Nagy enseigne à Harvard. Au cours de ce projet, vous allez explorer avec lui plus de 250 textes des plus grands chefs-d’oeuvre de… Read more

Apply Now | Summer Internships at the CHS

Applications are now live for summer 2017 internship opportunities at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC! Current undergraduates from colleges and universities in the United States may apply. Any concentration or major is eligible; but a strong interest in Ancient Greek or Latin is preferred. For the… Read more

CHS GR shares the Events Series 2016-2017 on YouTube!

Our own Yiannis Petropoulos shares a summary of the opening lecture of the Events Series 2017, ‘Societies in Crisis: Economy, Politics, Culture’: What would be the political and constitutional repercussions in another EU country if its citizens experienced a 40-50% reduction in salaries and pensions? To the credit of the Greeks… Read more

Apply Now | Fellowships in Comparative Cultural Studies in Greece

Application deadline: February 9, 2017 The CHS offers two research fellowships to Greek Universities’ junior faculty members (Adjunct Lecturers, Lecturers or Assistant Professors) to join the Harvard Summer Program in Greece. The fellowships aim to attract applicants with an academic background strongly related to the disciplines of Humanities and/or… Read more

Ex Ionia Scientia 2016 World Conference

CHS is pleased to announce the Ex Ionia Scientia ‒ ‘Knowledge’ in Archaic Greece, an international conference at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, December 11–14, 2016! The origins of western science and philosophy are customarily traced to 6th century B.C.E. Ionia, to Thales of Miletos and the school… Read more