Recommendation FAQ

Recommendation FAQ If you are submitting a letter of reference for a fellowship applicant, we recommend that you read this page explaining the recommendation process before trying to submit your letter of reference. In the online fellowship application, an applicant has the opportunity to register up to three recommenders. Read more

Fellowship Application primary

Fellowship Application Information 2011-12 The application for 2011-12 is now closed. Please check back in August 2011 for information about the next application cycle. The Center for Hellenic Studies offers fellowships to scholars working on the ancient Greek world in all its varieties. The most eligible fields of research… Read more

Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond

This book is a comparative study of oral poetics in literate cultures, focusing on the problems of textual fluidity in the transmission of Homeric poetry over half a millennium, from the Archaic through the Hellenistic periods of ancient Greece. It stresses the role of performance and the performer in the… Read more


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