Bazzaz, Sahar, Yota Batsaki, and Dimiter Angelov, eds. 2013. Imperial Geographies in Byzantine and Ottoman Space. Hellenic Studies Series 56. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
8. Evading Athens: Versions of a Post-Imperial, National Greek Landscape around 1830
On New Ground
Panagiotis Soutsos’ Leandros, and Alexandros Soutsos’ The Exile of 1831
The Status of National Land
The Inner Geographies of the National Novel
Ostensibly hopeful, there is too much retrospective skepticism (the scene is set in 1831, the time of writing is at least 1834) not to make obvious the signs of Oriental wastefulness and despotism that could attach to Danaos, the king from Egypt, as much as to his modern, European successor.
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