The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity

  Kalvesmaki, Joel. 2013. The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity. Hellenic Studies Series 59. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.


Editions and Translations

Aelius Herodianus: see pseudo-Herodian.

Aetius Placita: Diels 1879.

Alexander of Aphrodisias Commentary on Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”: Hayduck 1891.

Alexander Polyhistor, fragments and testimonies (including Successions of the Philosophers): Müller 1849:210–244.

Anatolius of Laodicea On the Computation of the Pasch: McCarthy and Breen 2003.

———. On the Decad: Heiberg 1901.

Anthologia Graeca: Beckby 1965.

Apocryphon of John (NH 4.1) (see also Nag Hammadi): Waldstein and Wisse 1995.

Apollonius Dyscolus: see Dionysius Thrax.

Apophasis Megale: see Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies.

Archytas of Tarentum, fragments and testimonies: Diels and Kranz 1957; Huffman 2005.

Aristotle, fragments: Rose 1886.

———. Metaphysics: Ross 1924.

———. On the Generation of Animals: Dressaart Lulofs 1965.

———. Problemata: Bekker 1870:859–967.

Artemidorus Dream Book: Pack 1963.

Asclepius of Tralles Commentary on Nicomachus of Gerasa, “Introduction to Arithmetic”: Tarán 1969.

Athenagoras Legatio: Schoedel 1972:2–86.

pseudo-Barnabas Epistle: Kraft 1971.

Boethius De unitate et de uno: Patrologia Latina 63:1075–1078.

Books of Jeu: Schmidt 1978a.

Bruce codex (untitled treatise): see Books of Jeu.

Chalcidius Commentary on the “Timaeus”: Moreschini 2003.

Chrysippus, fragments: Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta 2.

Clement of Alexandria Epitomes: Casey 1934.

———. The Instructor: Marrou, et al. 1960–1970.

———. Stromateis: Descourtieux 1999 (Book 8); Hort and Mayor 1902 (Book 7); Mondésert 1954 (Book 2); Stählin, et al. 1972, 1985, 1979 (complete); van den Hoek 2001 (Book 4); Ante-Nicene Fathers 2:299–567 (Eng. trans.).

Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians: Jaubert 1971.

Cyril of Alexandria Against Julian: Burguière and Évieux 1985.

Damascius Commentary on “Parmenides”: Ruelle 1899:2.5–322.

Democritus: see Presocratics.

Diogenes Laertius Lives of the Philosophers: Long 1964.

Dionysius Thrax (with scholia by Apollonius Dyscolus, Melampous, and other anonymous authors): Uhlig and Hilgard 1883–1901.

Epiphanius Panarion: F. Williams 1987 (English trans.); Holl 1922.

Eugnostos (NH 3.3): Parrott 1991.

Eunapius Lives of the Sophists: Giangrande 1956.

Eusebius Church History: Bardy 1952–1958.

Evagrius of Pontus On Prayer: Patrologia Graeca 79:1165–1200.

Favonius Eulogius Disputation on the Dream of Scipio: van Weddingen 1957.

First Apocalypse of James (NH 5.3): Kasser and Wurst 2007:115–161; Schoedel and Parrott 1979:65–103.

Galen De diebus decretoriis: Kühn 1825:769–941.

Gospel of Judas: Kasser and Wurst 2007:177–235.

Gospel of Philip (NH 2.3): Schenke 1997.

The Gospel of Truth (NH 1.3): Attridge and MacRae 1985.

Grammatici Graeci: see Dionysius Thrax.

Gregory Palamas Sermons: Chrestou 1985.

Heracleon, fragments: Wucherpfennig 2002.

Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas: Whittaker 1967.

Hermetic fragments: Nock 1983.

pseudo-Herodian Περὶ ἀριθμῶν: Estienne 1851:345.

Hierocles On the “Golden Poem”: Köhler 1974.

Hippocrates On Hebdomads: Roscher 1913.

Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies: Marcovich 1986; ANF 5:9–153.

Iamblichus (see also Theology of Arithmetic, On the Soul): Dillon 1973.

———. Common Mathematical Knowledge: Festa 1891.

———. On the Soul: Finamore and Dillon 2002.

———. The Pythagorean Way of Life: Dillon and Hershbell 1991.

Interpretation of Knowledge (NH 11.1): Hedrick 1990.

Irenaeus of Lyon, Against Heresies: Rousseau et al. 1965–1982 (ed.); Unger and Dillon 1992 (Eng. trans.).

———. Fragments: Harvey 1857:2.470–511; Jordan 1913; Ter Mĕkĕrttschian and Wilson 1919:732–744.

———. Proof of the Apostolic Preaching: Ter Mĕkĕrttschian and Wilson 1919; Behr 1997.

Jerome Letters: Hilberg 1996.

John Lydus On the Months: Wünsch 1898.

Julian To the Untaught Dogs: Rochefort 1963:2.1:144–173.

Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho: Goodspeed 1915.

pseudo-Justin Martyr Exhortation to the Nations: Otto 1879.

Lamprias (see also Plutarch Catalogue): Sandbach 1969:3–29.

Lucian De lapsu inter salutandum: Kilburn 1959:172–188.

———. Vitarum auctio: Harmon 1915:450–510.

“Lysis”: see Pythagorean texts.

Magical texts: Priesendanz and Heinrichs 1973–1974.

Marsanes (NH 10.1): Funk et al. 2000; Pearson 1981:211–347.

Melampous: see Dionysius Thrax.

Moderatus of Gades, fragments: Mullach 1867:48–49.

The Mystery of the Letters: Bandt 2007.

Nag Hammadi (see also individual treatises): Layton 1987; Robinson 1988.

Nemesius On the Nature of Man: Morani 1987.

New Testament: Nestle, et al. 2004.

Nicomachus of Gerasa Introduction to Arithmetic: Hoche 1866; D’Ooge 1926.

Numenius, fragments: des Places 1974.

On Simon: see Irenaeus Against Heresies.

[On the Numbers]: Delatte 1915:171–175.

Origen Against Celsus: Borret 1967–1976.

———. Commentary on John: Blanc 1966–1992; Heine 1989–1993 (Eng. trans.).

Philo On Abraham (De Abr.); Allegorical Interpretation (Leg. all.); On the Contemplative Life (De vita cont.); On the Creation of the World (De opif. mundi); On the Decalogue (De dec.); On Flight and Finding (De fuga et inv.);

Philo (cont.) On the Preliminary Studies (De congr. erud. gratia); On Rewards and Punishments (De praem. et poen.); On the Unchangeableness of God (Quod Deus sit immut.); Who Is the Heir of Divine Things? (Quis rerum div. heres): Cohn and Wendland 1896–1930.

———. [On Numbers]: Stähle 1931.

———. Questions and Answers on Genesis (Quaest. in Gen.): Petit 1978; Mercier 1979.

Philolaus, fragments and testimonies: Huffman 1993.

Photius Biblioteca: Bekker 1825; Henry 1959–1991.

Pistis Sophia: Schmidt 1978b.

Plato Parmenides; Philebus; Republic; Timaeus: Burnet 1900–1907.

Pliny the Elder Natural History: Rackham 1938–1963.

Plotinus Enneads: Henry and Schwyzer 1951–1982; Armstrong 1984.

Plutarch Genesis of the Soul in the “Timaeus”: Hubert 1954.

———. Isis and Osiris: Gwyn Griffiths 1970.

———. The Obsolescence of Oracles; On the E at Delphi: Sieveking 1929.

———. On Superstition: Babbitt 1928.

———. Table Talk: Hubert 1938.

Porphyry Commentary on Ptolemy’s “Harmonics”: Düring 1932:3–174.

———. Life of Plotinus: Henry and Schwyzer 1951:1:1–41.

———. Life of Pythagoras: Nauck 1886:17–52.

———. On the Soul: Bidez 1913.

Presocratics (Archytas, Democritus, Philolaus, Solon): Diels and Kranz 1957.

Proclus Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s “Elements”: Friedlein 1873.

———. Commentary on the “Timaeus”: Festugière 1966–1968; Taylor 1820.

Ptolemy [Valentinian] Letter to Flora: Quispel 1966.

[Claudius] Ptolemy Harmonics: Düring 1930.

pseudo-Pythagoras Golden Poem: Diehl 1971:86–94.

Pythagorean texts (pseudo-Archytas, “Lysis”): Diels and Kranz 1957; Thesleff 1965.

Revelation to Marcus: see Irenaeus Against Heresies.

Scholia in Dionysius Thrax: see Dionysius Thrax.

Scholia on Homer: Heyne 1834.

Septuagint: Rahlfs 1935.

Sextus Empiricus Against the Logicians (= Against the Mathematicians 6–7); Against the Physicians; Outlines of Pyrrhonism: Mau and Mutschmann 1914.

Simon Magus: see Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies.

Simplicius Commentary on Aristotle’s “Physics”: Diels 1882–1895.

Solon: see Presocratics.

Speusippus of Athens (see also Presocratics, fragments and testimonies): Tarán 1981.

Stobaeus Eclogae: Wachsmuth and Hense 1884–1912.

Syrianus Commentary on Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”: Kroll 1902.

Tacitus Annales: Heubner 1983.

Tertullian Against the Valentinians: Fredouille 1980–1981; Riley 1971.

———. On the Soul: Waszink 1947.

The Tetraktys Suspending and Apportioning All Things Four-fold: Delatte 1915:187.

Theodore of Asine, testimonies: Deuse 1973.

Theodoret Compendium of Heretical Fables: Patrologia Graeca 83:336–556.

———. Letters: Azéma 1955–1998.

Theology of Arithmetic: de Falco 1922 (ed.); Waterfield 1989 (Eng. trans.).

Theon of Smyrna Mathematics Useful for Reading Plato: Hiller 1878.

Theophilus of Antioch To Autolycus: Grant 1970.

Treatise on the Resurrection (NH 1.4): Peel 1985.

The Tripartite Tractate (NH 1.5): Attridge and Pagels 1985; Thomassen 1989.

A Valentinian Exposition (NH 11.2): Robinson 1973; Turner 1990:89–172.

pseudo-Valentinus (Irenaeus Against Heresies 1.11.1): see Irenaeus.

Xenocrates, fragments and testimonies: Isnardi Parente 1982.

Zeno, fragments: Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta 1.

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