Rotstein, Andrea. 2016. Literary History in the Parian Marble. Hellenic Studies Series 68. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.
List of Abbreviations
BNJ = I. Worthington, ed., Brill’s New Jacoby: The Fragments of the Greek Historians I–III (Jacoby Online),
BNP = H. Cancik, M. Landfester, H. Schneider, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, (New Pauly Online),
CIG = Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Berlin, 1825–1877).
CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, 1863–).
DK = H. Diels and W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th ed. (Berlin, 1951).
DTC2 = A. W. Pickard-Cambridge, Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed. revised by T. B. L. Webster (Oxford, 1962).
FGrH = F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Leiden, 1954–1969).
FHG = K. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (Frankfurt, 1841–1938).
GL = D. Page, Greek Literary Papyri (Cambridge, MA, 1942).
IDelos = F. Durrbach, P. Roussel, M. Launey, J. Coupry, and A. Plassart, Inscriptions de Délos, I–VII (Paris, 1927–72).
IEph = H. Wankel, R. Merkelbach et al., Die Inschriften von Ephesos I–VII. Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 11–17, (Bonn 1979–81).
IMagnesia = O. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander (Berlin, 1900).
ISmyrna = G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna I–II. Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 23–24 (Bonn, 1982–90).
IG = Inscriptiones Graecae (Berlin, 1873–).
IGUR = L. Moretti, Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae (Rome, 1968-1979).
IvO = W. Ditenberger, K. Purgold, Inschriften von Olympia (Berlin, 1896).
LIMC = Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, 18 vols (Zurich, 1981–1999).
LP = E. Lobel and D. Page, Poetae Melici Graeci (Cambridge, 1962).
LSJ = H. G. Liddell, R. Scott, and H. S. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., with a Supplement (Oxford, 1925–1940).
NP = H. Cancik, H. Schneider, M. Landfester, eds., Der Neue Pauly,
P.Lips. = L. Mitteis, Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig I (Leipzig, 1906).
P.Oxy. = Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, eds., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (London, 1898–). Ongoing series; individual volumes may have different editors.
PEG = A. Bernabé, Poetarum Epicorum Graecorum Testimonia et Fragmenta I (Stuttgart, 1996) and II (Munich, 2004–2005).
PMG = D. L. Page, Poetae Melici Graeci (Oxford, 1962).
SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Leiden, 1923–).
SIG = W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (Leipzig, 1915-1921).
TrGF = B. Snell, R.Kannicht, and S. Radt, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (Göttingen, 1971–).