
Chapter 4. Comic Modulations

Chapter 4. Comic Modulations … But com thou Goddes fair and free,In Heav’n yclept Euphrosyne,And by men, heart-easing Mirth,Whom lovely Venus at a birthWith two sisters Graces moreTo Ivy-crowned Bacchus bore;Or whether (as som Sager sing)The frolick Wind that… Read more

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts Through their multilayered responses to the past and their present, the Komnenian novels mediate first between antiquity and the Middle Ages and, second, between the Middle Ages and modernity. Due to its inherent discursive plasticity, the genre of the novel offered the Komnenian writers a… Read more


Bibliography I. Editions of Greek Novels 1. Ancient Greek Novels Colonna, A. 1938. Heliodori Aethiopica. Rome. Molinié, M. 1979. De Chaerea et Callirrhoe.  Paris. Papanikolaou, A. D. 1973. Xenophontis Ephesii Ephesiacorum libri V: De amoribus Anthiae et… Read more


To my teachers, who taught me the pleasures and privileges as well as the methods and responsibilities of scholarship. Acknowledgements It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of many people who shaped this book during its maturation, and who encouraged me during my work… Read more


Introduction [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers who need to look up references… Read more

Part IV. Conclusions. Epilogue

Epilogue The process leading from “myth” to “history”—though such terms cannot be strictly distinguished at all times, as history can function on a sacral level, and myth is always perceived by believers as history—can be seen as a process of secularization. The poet is an omniscient god;… Read more

Appendix A: Poetry, Aggression, Ritual

Appendix A: Poetry, Aggression, Ritual Walter Burkert has pioneered an analysis of ancient Greek ritual that sees its roots in aggression, in biological impulses than can be observed in animals—Konrad Lorenz was especially fascinated by geese. [1] In the survey of poets… Read more

Appendix C: Themes

Appendix C: Themes Pharmakos themes 1. Ritual pollution. 1a. Crime of hero. Pharmakos. Aesop (imputed). Archilochus (imputed). Hesiod (imputed or actual). Socrates (imputed). 1a1. Criminal impiety. Aesop. Socrates (imputed) 1a1a. Theft of sacred things. Pharmakos. Aesop (imputed). 1a1b. Parricide. Oedipus. 1a1c. Read more