

Bibliography Abrahams, R. 1962. “Playing the Dozens.” Journal of American Folklore 75:209–20. Alexiou, M. 1974. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge. Allen, T. W., ed. 1912. Homeri Opera 5 (Hymns, Cycle fragments, etc). 2nd edition. Oxford. … Read more

Preface. Gregory Nagy

For the Directors and Fellows of the CHS 2001–2002 with gratitude and affection.   Preface Gregory Nagy Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies, located in the city of Washington, D.C., brings together a variety of research and teaching interests centering on Hellenic civilization in… Read more


Abbreviations AB = Austin, C. and Bastianini, G., eds. Posidippi Pellaei Quae Supersunt Omnia. Milan, 2002. AP = Palatine Anthology. APl = Planudean Anthology. BG = Bastianini, G. and Gallazzi, C. (eds.), con la… Read more

Editors’ Note

Editors’ Note In reproducing the text(s) of the new epigrams preserved by P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309 the editors have chosen to retain the lunate sigma and iota adscript of the papyrus. Given that the text(s) of these epigrams is still undergoing substantial revision through new reading and supplementation at… Read more


Introduction Shut not your doors to me proud libraries,For that which was lacking on all your well-fill’d shelves, yet needed most,I bring,Forth from the war emerging, a book I have made,The words of my book nothing, the drift of it every thing,A… Read more

3. David Sider, Posidippus Old and New

3. Posidippus Old and New David Sider, New York University A review of Posidippo premilanese is clearly in order if we are ever to see him whole. This presents an interesting challenge, because old and new Posidippi are not the easiest of fits. I have, moreover,… Read more

5. Gregory Nagy, Homeric Echoes in Posidippus

5. Homeric Echoes in Posidippus Gregory Nagy, Harvard University The word ‘echoes’ in the title is meant as a substitute for ‘allusions’, which is inadequate for conveying the awareness of Homeric poetry in the poetics of Posidippus. The subtle ways in which Posidippus demonstrates this awareness… Read more