
Visiting Artist: Cynthia Word

Ms. Word has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas/Austin and began her professional Modern Dance training at the University of Illinois/Champaign-Urbana, with in-depth experience in the technique and choreography of Doris Humphrey and Jose Limon. In 1992 she received her Master in Fine Arts from The George Washington University/Department of Theater and Dance, where she served on the teaching faculty. From 1990 to 2005, Word travelled throughout… Read more

Visiting Artist: Piero Marconi

To register for Piero Marconi’s visiting artist presentation taking place on Friday, May 7, 2021, at 11:30 am EDT, please visit the event page. Piero Marconi is an Italian musician currently teaching at the “Rossini” Conservatory, Pesaro, in the Department of Music Education. His interests connect… Read more