‘Paradise’ Earned: The Bacchic-Orphic Gold Lamellae of Crete.

  Tzifopoulos, Yannis. 2010. Paradise Earned: The Bacchic-Orphic Gold Lamellae of Crete. Hellenic Studies Series 23. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ebook:CHS_TzifopoulosY.Paradise_Earned_The_Bacchic-Orphic_Gold_Lamellae.2010.

Appendix 1

Group A Texts

A1 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Piccolo: eight hexameters, and the last line in prose (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 102–103, no. IIB1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 270–271 no. L9; Bernabé 2005, fr. 488; Graf and Johnston 2007, 12–13 no. 5; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

A    ἔρχομαι ἐκ κοθαρῶ<ν> κοθαρά, χθονί<ων> βα-
σίλεια, | Εὐκλῆς Εὐβολεύς τε καὶ ἀ-
θάνατοι θεοὶ ἄλλοι· | καὶ γὰρ ἐγὼν
ὑμῶν γένος ὄλβιον εὔχομαι
5 εἶμεν, | ἀλλά με μόρα ἐδάμασε
καὶ ἀθάνατοι θεοὶ ἄλλοι καὶ ἀσ-
στεροβλῆτα κεραυνῶι, | κύκλο
δ’ ἐξέπταν βαρυπενθέος ἀργα-
λέοιο· | ἱμερτõ δ’ ἐπέβαν στεφά-
10 νο ποσὶ καρπαλίμοισι, | δεσσποί-
νας δὲ ὑπὸ κόλπον ἔδυν χθονί-
ας βασιλείας, | ἱμερτõ δ’ ἀπέβαν
στεφάνο ποσὶ καρπασίμοι-
σι· “ὄλβιε καὶ μακαριστέ, θεὸς δ’ ἔ-
15 σηι ἀντὶ βροτοῖο,” | ἔριφος ἐς γάλ’ ἔπετο-
A2 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Piccolo: six hexameters, and the last line a pentameter? (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 98–99, no. IIA1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 271–272 no. L10a; Bernabé 2005, fr. 489; Graf and Johnston 2007, 14–15 no. 7; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

B    ἔρχομα<ι> ἐκ <κ>α<θα>ρῶ<ν> {σχονων}
καθαρά, χ<θ>ονίων βασίλ{η}ει<α>, |
Εὖκλε καὶ Εὐβουλεῦ {ι} καὶ θεοὶ δαίμον-
ε<ς> ἄλλοι· | καὶ γ<ὰρ> ἐγὼν ὑμῶν γένο<ς> εὔχομα-
5 ι ὄλβιο<ν> εἶναι· | πο<ι>νά<ν> δ’ ἀνταπέ{ι}τε<ι>σ’ {ει}
ἔργω<ν> ἕνεκα οὔτι δικα<ί>ων· |
εἴτε με μόρα ἐδαμάσατο
εἴτε ἀστεροπῆτι κ<ε>ραυνῶν, |
νῦν δ’ ἱκέτ<ης ἥ>κω {ι} πα<ρ᾽> ἁγνὴ<ν> Φε<ρ>σε-
10 φόνεαν, | ὥς με {ι} πρόφ<ρ>ω<ν> πέ<μ>ψη<ι>
ἕδρα{ι}ς ἐς εὐαγέ{ι}ω<ν>.
A3 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Piccolo. Incised on both sides Ca–Cb: six hexameters, and the last line a pentameter? (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 100–101, no. IIA2; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 272–273 no. L10b; Bernabé 2005, fr. 490; Graf and Johnston 2007, 14–15 no. 6; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Ca  ἔρχομαι ἐκ <κ>αθαρῶ<ν> καθ<αρά, χθ>-
ο<νίων> βασίλ<ει>α, | Εὖκλε {υα} κα<ὶ> Εὐ-
βολεῦ καὶ θεοὶ ὅσοι δ<αί>μο-
νες ἄλλο<ι>· | καὶ γὰρ ἐ<γ>ὼ ὑ-
5 <μῶν> γένος εὔχομα<ι> ε<ἶ>να<ι>
ὄλβιο<ν>· | ποινὰν <δ’> ἀ<ν>ταπ-
έτε<ισ’> ἔργω<ν ἕνεκ’> ὄτι δικ-
Cb α<ί>ων· | v ἔτ<ε> με μοῖρα <ἐδάμασσ᾽>
ἔτ’ <ἀσ>τεροπῆτι {κη} κερα-
10 υν<ῶι>, | v νῦν δ᾽ <ἱ>κ<έτης> ἥκω
{ιικω} παρὰ Φ<ερ>σεφ<όνειαν>, |
ὥς {λ} με <π>ρόφ<ρων> πέ[μ]ψε<ι> {μ}
ἕδρας ἐς εὐ<α>γ<έων>.
A4 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Grande: five hexameters, and two lines in prose (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 112–113, no. IIΒ2; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 268–270 no. L8; Bernabé 2005, fr. 487; Graf and Johnston 2007, 8–9 no. 3; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      ἀλλ’ ὁπόταμ ψυχὴ προλίπηι φάος Ἀελίοιο,
δεξιὸν Ε.Ο̣ΙΑΣ δ᾽ ἐξι<έ>ναι πεφυλαγμένον
3 εὖ μάλα πάν[τ]α· | χαῖρε παθὼν τὸ πάθη-
μα τὸ δ’ οὔπω πρόσθε ἐπεπόνθεις· | θεὸς ἐγ-
ένου ἐξ [.] ἀνθρώπου· | ἔριφος ἐς γάλα
6 ἔπετες, | χαῖρ<ε>, χαῖρε· δεξιὰν ὁδοιπόρ<ει> |
λειμῶνάς τε ἱεροὺς καὶ ἄλσεα
A5Rome: four hexameters (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 96–97, no. IC1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 273 no. L11; Bernabé 2005, fr. 491; Graf and Johnston 2007, 18–19 no. 9; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      ἔρχεται ἐκ καθαρῶν καθαρά,
χθονίων βασίλεια, | Εὔκλεες Εὐβου-
3 λεῦ τε, Διὸς τέκος ἀγλαά, ἔχω δὲ | Μνημο-
σύνης τόδε δῶρον ἀοίδιμον ἀνθρώ-
ποισιν, | Καικιλία Σεκουνδεῖνα, νόμωι
6 ἴθι δῖα γεγῶσα.

Group A

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
A1 Thourioi, Italy , Timpone Piccolo IV c. unknown rectangular unfolded close to hand no Inhumation. A tumulus of three strata: in the first more than ten persons carelessly interred; in the second fragments of pottery; in the third gravel mixed with sand and lime. In the lower third stratum, three graves were found (nos A1–3). In the four corners of the chamber of Cist-grave 1 small hollows filled with ashes of bones and plants, indications of funeral sacrifice; no mention of a coffin; no other offerings
A2 Thourioi, Italy , Timpone Piccolo IV c. unknown rectangular folded once close to hand no Inhumation. Under the tumulus (A1 above) Cist-grave 3: no mention of a coffin; no other offerings
A3 Thourioi, Italy , Timpone Piccolo IV c. unknown rectangular unfolded close to hand no Inhumation. Under the tumulus (A1 above) Cist-grave 2: no mention of a coffin; no other offerings
A4 Thourioi, Italy , Timpone Piccolo IV c. male? rectangular folded nine times and placed inside no. C1 below which was folded like an envelope near the cranium no Inhumation (partial cremation). Above the grave: a tumulus of 8 strata, each consisting of ashes and carbon and burnt pottery sherds topped by earth above, an indication of worship of the inhumed dead as a hero with rituals and sacrifices. Ouside the grave: a few small black vases. Inside: bronze locks of the coffin, two silver medallions on the chest decorated with female heads, similar to the ones of Persephone on Apulian vases, a few small pieces of gold from the dress’ decoration, two small wooden boxes with inlaid palmettes. The cremation took place in situ and the remains were simply covered by a white sheet which disintegrated when touched by the excavators
A5 Rome, Italy II c. CE female unknown unknown unknown Not known

Group B Texts

B1 Petelia, Italy: fourteen hexameters (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 67–72, no. IA2; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 263–264 no. L3; Bernabé 2005, fr. 476; Graf and Johnston 2007, 6–7 no. 2; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      εὑρήσσεις δ’ Ἀίδαο δόμων ἐπ’ ἀριστερὰ κρήν-
ην, | πὰρ δ’ αὐτῆι λευκὴν ἑστηκυῖαν κυπάρισσον· |
ταύτης τῆς κρήνης μηδὲ σχεδὸν ἐμπελάσειας· |
εὑρήσεις δ’ ἑτέραν, τῆς Μνημοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης |
5 ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ προρέον· φύλακες δ’ ἐπίπροσθεν ἔασιν· |
εἰπεῖν· «Γῆς παῖς εἰμι καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος, | αὐτὰρ ἐμ-
οὶ γένος οὐράνιον· τόδε δ’ ἴστε καὶ αὐτοί· | δίψηι δ’ εἰμὶ αὔ-
η καὶ ἀπόλλυμαι· ἀλλὰ δότ’ αἶψα | ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ προρέ-
ον τῆς Μνημοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης.» | καὐτ̣[o]ί σ[ο]ι δώσουσι
10 πιεῖν θείης ἀπ[ὸ κρή]νης, | καὶ τότ’ ἔπειτ’ ἄ[λλοισι μεθ’] ἡρώε-
σσιν ἀνάξει[ς, | Μνημοσύ]νης τόδε <ἔ>ρ̣[γον· ἐπεὶ ἂν μέλληισι]
θανεῖσθ[αι - - - - - -] τόδε γραψ[- - - - - - - - ]
versus a dextra in margine sursum legendus:
τ̣ο̣γ̣λ̣ω̣σ̣ε̣ι̣π̣α̣ σκότος ἀμφικαλύψας.
B2 Pharsalos, Thessaly: ten hexameters (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; SEG 45.634, 46.656; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 73–75, no. IA3; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 264–265 no. L4; Bernabé 2005, fr. 477; Graf and Johnston 2007, 34–35 no. 25; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      εὑρήσεις Ἀΐδαο δόμοις ἐνδέξια κρήνην, | πὰρ δ’ αὐτῆι
λευκὴν ἑστηκυῖαν κυπάρισσον· | ταύτης τῆς κρήνης
3 μηδὲ σχεδόθεν πελάσηισθα· | πρόσσω δ’ εὑρήσεις τὸ Μνη-
μοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης | ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ προ<ρέον>· φύλακες
δ’ ἐφύπερθεν ἔασιν· | οἱ δέ σ’ εἰρήσονται ὅ τι χρέος
6 εἰσαφικάνεις· | τοῖς δὲ σὺ εὖ μάλα πᾶσαν ἀληθείην̣
καταλέξαι· | {ιι} εἰπεῖ<ν>· “Γῆς παῖς εἰμι καὶ Οὐρανοῦ
ἀστ<ερόεντος>, |
Ἀστέριος ὄνομα· δίψηι δ’ εἰμ’ αὖος· ἀλλὰ δότε μοι |
9 πιε̑ν ἀπὸ τῆς κρήνης.”
B3 Eleutherna, Crete: first two hexameters, and last two in prose(?).
Bibliography: Above no. 1; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 78–79 no. IB1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 265 no. L5a; Bernabé 2005, fr. 478; Graf and Johnston 2007, 20–21 no. 10; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι αὖος ἐγὼ καὶ ἀπόλλυμαι· ἀλλὰ πιε̑<μ> μοι
κράνας αἰειρόω ἐπὶ δεξιά· τῆ, κυφάριζος.
3 τίς δ’ ἐζί; πῶ δ’ ἐζί; Γᾶς υἱός ἠμι καὶ Ὠρανῶ
B4 Eleutherna, Crete: first two hexameters, and last two in prose(?).
Bibliography: Above no. 2; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 80 no. IB2; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266 no. L5b; Bernabé 2005, fr. 479; Graf and Johnston 2007, 20–21 no. 11; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι αὖος ἐγὼ καὶ ἀπόλλυμα{μα}ι· ἀλλὰ πιε̑<μ> μοι
κράνας αἰειρόω ἐπὶ δεξιά· τῆ, κυφάριζος.
3 τίς δ’ ἐζί; πῶ δ’ ἐζί; Γᾶς υἱός ἠμι καὶ Ὠρανῶ
B5 Eleutherna, Crete: first two hexameters, and last two in prose(?).
Bibliography: Above no. 3; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 81 no. IB3; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266 no. L5c; Bernabé 2005, fr. 480; Graf and Johnston 2007, 22–23 no. 12; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι αὖος {ααυ̣οσ} ἐγὼ καὶ ἀπόλλυμαι· ἀλλὰ πιε̑μ μου̣
κ̣ράνας <α>ἰενάω ἐπὶ δε[ξ]ιά· τῆ, κυφάρισζος.
3     τίς δ’ ἐζί; πῶ δ’ ἐζί; Γᾶς υἱός ἠμ<ι> καὶ Ὠρανῶ
B6 Eleutherna, Crete: lines 1–3a hexameters, and lines 3b–5 in prose(?) (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Above no. 4; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 82–83 no. IB4; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266 no. L5d; Bernabé 2005, fr. 481; Graf and Johnston 2007, 26–27 no. 16; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψᾳ δ’ ἠμ’ αὖος καὶ ἀπόλ<λ>ομαι· ἀλ<λ>ὰ
πιε̑ν μοι | κράνας ΑIΓIΔΔΩ ἐπὶ
3  δεξιά· τε̑, κυπ<ά>ριζος. | τίς δ’ ἐζί; π-
ῶ δ’ ἐζί; Γᾶς ἠμι ?Γ̣YΑ̣ΤΗΡ? καὶ
Ὠρανῶ ἀστερόεντος. 
Line 2: αἰγί{δ}ρ̣ω?; αἰ<ε>ι<ρό>ω Guarducci, et alii. Line 4: <μ>ά̣τηρ?; <θ>υ<γ>άτηρ Guarducci, et alii.
B7 Eleutherna, Crete: first two hexameters, and last two in prose(?).
Bibliography: Above no. 5; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 84 no. IB5; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266–267 no. L5e; Bernabé 2005, fr. 482; Graf and Johnston 2007, 22–23 no. 13; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι αὖος ἐγὼ καὶ ἀπόλλυμαι· ἀλ<λ>ὰ πιε̑μ {ε} μοι
κράνα<ς α>ἰ<ε>ιρ<ό>ω ἐπ<ὶ> δεξιά· τῆ, κυφάριζος,
3 τίς δ᾽ ἐ{δε}ζ<ί>; πῶ δ’ ἐζί; Γᾶς υἱός ἠμι κα<ὶ Ὠ>ρανῶ
B8 Eleutherna, Crete: first two hexameters, and last two in prose(?) (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Above no. 6; Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 85 no. IB6; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266–267 no. L5f; Bernabé 2005, fr. 483; Graf and Johnston 2007, 24–25 no. 14; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψᾳ {α} αὖος ἐγὼ καὶ ἀπόλ<λ>υμαι· ἀλ-
λὰ π<ι>ε̑μ μο<ι> | κράνας αἰενάω ἐπὶ δ-
3 <ε>ξιά· τῆ, κυφάριζος. | τίς δ’ ἐζί; πῶ
δ’ <ἐ>ζί; | Γᾶς υἱός ἰμι καὶ Ὠρανῶ ἀστερό-
εντος {σ}.
B9 Thessaly: lines 1–3 two hexameters, and lines 4–6 in prose(?) (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Breslin 1977; SEG 27.226bis; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 94–95 no. IB7; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 266–267 no. L6; Bernabé 2005, fr. 484; Graf and Johnston 2007, 24–25 no. 14; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι αὖος ἐγὼ κἀπόλλυμαι·
ἀλλὰ πίε μου | κράνας αἰειρόω
3 ἐπὶ δεξιὰ λευκὴ κυπάρισσος. |
τίς δ’ ἐσί; πῶ δ’ ἐσί; | Γᾶς υἱός εἰμι
καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος· |
6 αὐτὰρ ἐμοὶ γένος οὐράνιον.
B10 Hipponion, Italy: sixteen hexameters.
Bibliography: Foti and Pugliese Carratelli 1974; SEG 26.1139, 27.674, 28.775bis, 34.1002, 37.778, 40.824, 42.903, 43.647, 44.809, 45.1440, 46.1318, 47.656, 52.951; EBGR 1996.33; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Sacco 2001; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 39–66 no. IA1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 258–261 no. L1; Bernabé 2005, fr. 474; Graf and Johnston 2007, 4–5 no. 1; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      Μναμοσύνας τόδε ΕΡΙΟΝ ἐπεὶ ἂμ μέλλεισι θανε̑σθαι
εἰς Ἀΐδαο δόμος εὐέρεας, ἔστ’ ἐπὶ δ<ε>ξιὰ κρένα,
πὰρ δ’ αὐτὰν ἐστακῦα λευκὰ κυπάρισος,
ἔνθα κατερχόμεναι ψυκαὶ νεκύον ψύχονται·
5 ταύτας τᾶς κράνας μεδὲ σχεδὸν ἐνγύθεν ἔλθεις·
πρόσθεν δὲ hευρέσεις τᾶς Μναμοσύνας ἀπὸ λίμνας
ψυχρὸν ὕδορ προρέον· φύλακες δὲ ἐπύπερθεν ἔασι·
τοὶ δέ σε εἰρέσονται ἐν φρασὶ πευκαλίμαισι
ὅ τι δὲ ἐξερέεις Ἄϊδος σκότος ὀρφ̣έεντος·
10 εἶπον· «ὑὸς Γᾶς ἐμι καὶ Ὀρανõ ἀστερόεντος.
δίψαι δ’ ἐμ᾽ αὖος καὶ ἀπόλλυμαι· ἀλ<λ>ὰ δότ’ ὄκ̣α̣
ψυχρὸν ὕδορ πιέναι τε̑ς Μνεμοσύνες ἀπὸ λίμ<ν>ε̣ς.»
καὶ δέ τοι ἐρέοσιν {ι} hυποχθονίοι βασιλεί<αι>·
καὶ δέ τοι δόσοσι πιε̑ν τᾶς Μναμοσύνας ἀπὸ λίμνας·
15 καὶ δὲ καὶ σὺ πιὸν hοδὸν ἔρχεα<ι> hάν τε καὶ ἄλλοι
μύσται καὶ βάχχοι hιερὰν στείχοσι κλεινοί.
B11 Entella?, West Sicily: twenty-one hexameters in two columns (lines 1–14, and 15–21).
Bibliography: Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; SEG 44.750, 48.1236bis, 50.998; BE 2000.93; EBGR 1997.138; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 76–77 no. IA4; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 258–261 no. L2; Bernabé 2005, fr. 475; Graf and Johnston 2007, 16–17 no. 8; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

col. I
[- - - - - - - ἐπεὶ ἂν μέλ]ληισι θανεῖσθαι
[- - - - - - - - - - - μ]εμνημέ<ν>ος ἥρως
[- - - - - - - - - - - -] σκότος ἀμφικαλύψας,
[- - - - - - - - - - ἐπὶ] δεξιὰ λίμνην,
5 [πὰρ δ’ αὐτῆι λευκὴν ἑστη]κῦαν κυπάρισσον,
[ἔνθα κατερχόμεναι ψυ]χαὶ νεκύων ψύχονται·
[ταύτης τῆς κρήνης μη]δὲ σχεδὸν ἐ<μ>πελάσ<ασ>θαι·
[πρόσθεν δὲ εὑρήσεις τῆς] Μνημοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης
[ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ προρέον·] φυλακοὶ δ᾽ ἐπύπε<ρ>θ<εν ἔ>ασιν·
10 [τοὶ δέ σε εἰρήσονται ἐνὶ] φρασὶ πευκαλίμησιν
[ὅττι δὴ ἐξερέεις Ἄϊδος σκότο]ς ὀρφ{ο}νήεντο<ς>·
[εἶπον· «ὑὸς Γῆς εἰμι καὶ] Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος.
[δίψαι δ’ εἰμ’ αὖος καὶ ἀπόλλ]υμαι· ἀλλὰ δότε μ{μ}οι
[ψυχρὸν ὕδωρ πιέναι τῆς] Μνημοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης·
col. II
15 αὐτὰρ ἐ[μοὶ γένος οὐράνιον· τόδε δ’ ἴστε καὶ αὐτοί.»]
καί τοι δὴ [ἐρέουσιν ὑποχθονίωι βασιλείαι]·
καὶ τότε τ[οι δώσουσι πιεῖν τῆς Μνημοσύνης ἀπὸ λίμνης]·
καὶ τότε δ[ὴ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]
σύμβολα φ[ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]
20 καὶ φε[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]
σεν[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -].
B12 Sfakaki, Crete: lines 1–4a two hexameters, and lines 4b–7 in prose(?) (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Above no. 9; Bernabé 2005, fr. 484a; Graf and Johnston 2007, 28–29 no. 18; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      δίψαι τοι <α>ὖος. παρ<α>π<ό>λλυται.
ἀλλ<ὰ> π{α}ιε̑ν μοι | κράνας <Σ?>αύ-
3 ρου ἐπ᾽ ἀ{α}ρι<σ>τερὰ τᾶς κυφ̣α{σ}-
ρίζω. | τ<ί>ς δ᾽ εἶ ἢ πῶ δ᾽ εἶ; Γᾶ-
ς ἠμ{ο}ί, μάτηρ· πῶ τί Δ̣ΕΤ
6 [κ]α̣ὶ <Ο>ὐρανῶ̣ <ἀ>στε<ρόεντος>. τίς; δίψαι το-
Lines 2–3: or κράνας Αὔ|ρου; lines 4–6: Γᾶ {σ} <ἐ>μοὶ μάτηρ· πῶ; τί Δ̣ΕΤ | <κ>α̣ὶ <Ο>ὐρανό̣ς. τε τίς;.

Group B

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
B1 Petelia, Italy IV c. female? rectangular, rolled in cylinder? unknown unknown Not known; the lamella itself was found folded up inside a gold cylindrical case with a chain attached, dated to the II–III c. CE
B2 Pharsalos, Thessaly 360–340 male? rectangular (folded twice?) inside a hydria-urn no Cremation. A limestone round container in which a bronze hydria-urn with a representation below the neck-handle of the ‘abduction’ of Oreithyia by Boreas and ivy-leaves and anthemia at the base; inside the urn the ashes, a small bronze ring and a small skyphos
B3 Eleutherna, Crete IIΙ–I c. unknown rectangular, folded unknown unknown unknown (above no. 1)
B4 Eleutherna, Crete ΙII–I c. unknown rectangular, folded unknown unknown unknown (above no. 2)
B5 Eleutherna, Crete ΙII–I c. unknown rectangular, folded unknown unknown unknown (above no. 3)
B6 Eleutherna, Crete ΙII–I c. unknown epistomion, folded? unknown unknown unknown (above no. 4)
B7 Eleutherna, Crete ΙII–I c. unknown rectangular, rolled in cylinder? unknown unknown unknown (above no. 5)
B8 Eleutherna, Crete ΙII–I c. unknown rectangular, rolled in cylinder? unknown unknown unknown (above no. 6)
B9 Thessaly 350–320 unknown unknown inside a hydria unknown Cremation. Bronze hydria-urn
B10 Hipponion, Italy ca. 400 female? rectangular, folded four times on upper part of chest (hung by perishable material?) unknown Inhumation in tile-covered grave. Outside: a clay lamp and two skyphoi, one of them with a graffito. Inside: to the right of cranium a small clay jug and to the left bronze fragments of a ring with an incised representation; at the right elbow a hydria and a bronze semi-sphere with a hole of a bell(?); on the pelvis a skyphos; at the left hand a gold finger-ring, a clay lamp, a hydria and two clay lekythoi to the left and right of the left thighbone
B11 Entella?, West Sicily III c.? unknown rectangular unknown unknown unknown
B12 Sfakaki, Crete II–early I c. unknown rectangular, unfolded unknown unknown Inhumation in tile-grave, looted (above no. 9). Thirty-two clay unguentaria, fragments of glass, a bronze mirror, small bronze and gilt fragments

Group C Texts

C1 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Grande.
Bibliography: Zuntz 1971, 281–305, 328–329, 333, 344–364; Riedweg 1998, 389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carratelli 2001, 125–127, no. III1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001, 273–277 no. L12; Bernabé 2005, fr. 492; Graf and Johnston 2007, 10–11 no. 4; Betegh forthcoming; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      Πρωτογόνω̣<ι> ΤΗΜΑΙΤΙΕΤΗ Γᾶι̣ ματρὶ ΕΠΑ Κυβελεία<ι> Κόρρα<ι> Ο̣ΣΕΝΤΑΙΗ Δήμητρος ΗΤ
ΣΗΔΕ Τύχα ΙΤΕ Φάνης, πάμν̣ησ̣τ̣οι Μοῖραι ΣΣΤΗΤΟΙΓ̣ΑΝΝΥΑΠΙΑΝΤΗ σὺ κλυ̣τὲ δαῖ̣μον ΔΕΥΧΙ
ἑπ̣τ̣ῆμαρ ΤΙ νήστιας ΤΑΝ Ζεῦ ἐνορύττιε? καὶ πανόπτα, αἰέν ΑΙ̣ΜΙΥ* μᾶτερ, ἐμᾶς ἐπ-
Ω̣ΤΑΚΤΗΡ ἱερὰ ΜΑΡ Δημῆτερ, πῦρ, Ζεῦ, Κό̣ρη, Χθονία ΤΡΑΒΔ̣ΑΗ̣ΤΡΟΣΗΝΙΣΤΗΟΙΣΤΝ
ἥρως ΝΗΓΑΥΝΗ φ̣άος ἐς φρένα ΜΑΤΑ̣ΙΜΗΤΝΝΤΗΣΝΥΣΧΑ̣ μή̣στωρ εἷλε Κού̣ρην
This group perhaps should also include:

  • The Olbia Bone-Tablets (SEG 28.659–661, 41.621, 42.720, 46.950; West 1983; (Graf and Johnston 2007, 185–190, “Additional Bacchic Texts no. 1”); and perhaps add also SEG 28.1651, 36.694, 52.731bis; EBGR 2003.123;
  • Bacchic Inscriptions from Olbia (Graf and Johnston 2007, 185–190, “Additional Bacchic Texts no. 2”);
  • PGurob 1 (Hordern 2000; Bernabé 2005, fr. 578; Graf and Johnston 2007, 185–190, “Additional Bacchic Texts no. 3”);
  • Edict of Ptolemy IV Philopator, COrdPtol 29 (= BGU VI 1211 = SB III 7266; Graf and Johnston 2007, 185–190, “Additional Bacchic Texts no. 4”);
  • PDerveni (Betegh 2004; Bernabé 2005, frr. 470–473; Kouremenos, Tsantsanoglou and Parássoglou 2006);
  • Poseidippos’ epigrams (Dignas 2004);
  • PChicago Pack 2 1620 (Niafas 1997);
  • PAntinoopolis I 18 (= MP3 2466);
  • The Orphic Hymns (West 1983), and other Orphica in Bernabé 2005;
  • Other related Orphica (including epigrams of mystai) in Bernabé 2005.

Group C

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
C1 Thourioi, Italy, Timpone Grande IV c. male? above no. A4 above no. A4 above no. A4 above no. A4

Group D Texts

D1 Poseidonia (Paestum), Italy.
Bibliography: IG XIV 665; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:273–277 no. L12; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496m; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

τᾶς θεõς τ<ᾶ>ς παιδὸς ἐμί.
D2 Pelinna, Thessaly: two hexameters followed by four prose lines and one hexameter (indicated by a vertical line).
Bibliography: Tsantsanoglou-Parássoglou 1987; SEG 37.497, 39.505, 42.530, 45.632, 46.654, 47.753; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carattelli 2001:116–120 no. IIB3; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:267–268 no. L7a, b; Bernabé 2005, fr. 485–486; Graf and Johnston 2007:36–37 no. 26a, b; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Α    νῦν ἔθανες
καὶ νῦν ἐγ-
ένου, τρισόλβ-
ιε, ἄματι τῶιδε. |
5 εἰπεῖν Φερσεφόν-
αι σ̣’ ὅτι Β<άχ>χιος αὐτὸς
ἔλυσε. | τα{ι}ῦρος
εἰς γάλ<α> ἔθορες, | αἶ-
ψα εἰς γ<ά>λα ἔθορες, |
10 <κ>ριὸς εἰς γάλα ἔπεσ<ες>.
οἶνον ἔχεις εὐ-
δ<α>ιμ̣ονα τιμ<ὰ>ν |
ε̣ι σ᾽ ὑπ̣ὸ̣
15 γῆ̣ν τε-
λέα ἅσ<σ>α-
περ ὄλ-
βιοι ἄλ-
Β νῦν ἔθανε<ς>
καὶ νῦν ἐ-
γένου, τρισόλ-
βιε, ἄματι
5 <τῶι>δ̣ε̣. |
<ε>ἰπ̣ε̣ῖν Φερ-
σεφό<ναι σ’> ὅτι Βά<χ>χιο-
ς αὐτὸς ἔλυσε. |
ταῦρος εἰ<ς> γάλα ἔ-
10 θορ<ε>ς, κριὸς εἰς γάλ<α>
ἔπεσε<ς>. | οἶνον ἔ-
χεις εὐδαι-
15 μ<ά>ν.
D3 Pherai, Thessaly.
Bibliography: Chryssostomou 1998:210–220; Tsantsanoglou 1997:116–117 lines 1–3; SEG 45.646, 47.758; BE 1997.285, 1999.285, 2000.401; EBGR 1996.40, 1997.380, 1998.57; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carattelli 2001:123–124 no. IIC2; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:277–278 no. L13; Bernabé 2005, fr. 493; Graf and Johnston 2007:38–39 no. 27; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      σύμβολα, Ἀν<δ>ρικε-
παιδόθυρσον, Ἀνδρικεπα-
3 ιδόθυρσον, Βριμώ, εἴσιθ<ι>
ἱερὸν λειμῶνα, ἄποινος
γὰρ ὁ μύστης.
6 Γ̣ΑΠΕΔΟΝ (written upside down).
Tsantsanoglou: ἀν<δ>ρικὲ (or ἀν<δ>ρὶ κὲ), παῖ, δὸ<ς> (or δõ) θύρσον.
D4 Amphipolis, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Malama 2000:55–70; Malama 2001:117–118; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496n; SEG 51.788; BE 2003.378; EBGR 2001.118 (line 3 restored by Chaniotis); Graf and Johnston 2007:40–41 no. 30; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      εὐαγὴς ἱερὰ Διονύ-
σου Βαχχίου εἰμί,
3 Ἀρχεβού[λ]η
D5 Pherai, Thessaly: two hexameters.
Bibliography: Parker and Stamatopoulou, 2004; Graf and Johnston 2007:38–39 no. 28; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

πέμπε με πρὸς μυστῶ<ν> θ̣ιάσους· ἔχω ὄργια [Βάκχου? / τε? / καὶ?]
Δήμητρος Χθονίας, τέλη καὶ Μητρὸς Ὀρεί[ας].

Group D

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
D1 Poseidonia (Paestum), Italy VI c. unknown silver lamella unknown unknown unknown
D2 Pelinna, Thessaly ca. 275 female two ivy-leaves two on chest danake in mouth with gorgon; coin of Antigonos Gonatas Inhumation in marble sarcophagus: in the cranium: a wreath of lead stem, clay gilt berries and gilt bronze myrtle leaves with gold ornament; near the cranium: a clay aryter, a clay bowl, two gold spirals ending in snake-heads; near the feet: clay aryter with a lamp inside, clay unguentarium, two bowls, a shallow skyphos; by the feet bronze lebes with bones of a neonate. On the cover slab of sarcophagus: two clay bowls and fragments of a third, clay feeder and clay figurine of comic actor sitting on an altar
D3 Pherai, Thessaly ca. 300 unknown rectangular on chest? unknown unknown
D4 Amphipolis, Macedonia 320–280 female rectangular folded on chest silver coin of Philip II Inhumation in stone sarcophagus, looted. Gold ring and finger-ring; stone-constructed exedra for funeral rituals
D5 Pherai, Thessaly ca. 300 unknown rectangular unknown unknown Cremation? In marble cylindrical(?) osteotheke with few bones and ashes

Group E Texts

E1 Eleutherna, Crete.
Bibliography: Above no. 7; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Pugliese Carattelli 2001:121–122 no. IIC1; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:277–278 no. L15; Bernabé 2005, fr. 495; Graf and Johnston 2007:38–39 no. 27; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      [Πλού]τωνι καὶ Φ-
[ερσ]οπόνει χαίρεν.
E2 Aigai (Vergina), Macedonia.
Bibliography: Petsas 1961–1962:259; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16k; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496k; Graf and Johnston 2007:46–47 no. 37; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Φιλίστη Φερσεφόνηι χαίρειν.
E3 Pella, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Lilibaki-Akamati 1989:95 pl. 9; 1989–1991:73–80 pl. 27a; SEG 42.619b, 45.782, 48.819; EBGR 1994–95.218, 1998.69; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16b; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496b; Graf and Johnston 2007:42–43 no. 31; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Ποσείδιππος μύστης
3 εὐσεβής.
E4 Sfakaki, Crete.
Bibliography: Above no. 8; SEG 48.1227; EBGR 1998.89; Riedweg 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:277–278 no. L16l; Bernabé 2005, fr. 494; Graf and Johnston 2007:26–27 no. 17; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

      Πλούτωνι …
E5 Agios Athanassios, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Petsas 1967a, 399–403, esp. 400 figure 21 (drawing); Petsas 1967b, 75b (photograph); Tsimpidou-Auloniti 1992:369–370 (mention); Bernabé 2005, fr. 496l; Graf and Johnston 2007:46–47 no. 38; Hatzopoulos 2002, 2006, and 2008 (text); EBGR 2003.68; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

τῶι Δεσπ<ό>-
3 τε<ι> {α} χέρε<ν>.

Group E

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
E1 Eleutherna, Crete III–I c. unknown rectangular unknown unknown unknown (above no. 7)
E2 Aigai (Vergina), Macedonia III–I c. female unknown unknown unknown Cremation under tumulus looted? Hellenistic pottery
E3 Pella, Macedonia ca. 300 male laurel? or myrtle? on bench of the grave’s W side no Many glass and bone fragments from the decoration of the wooden bier and its legs with incised representation of griffin tearing a deer; iron fragments from bier or small box; part of iron strigil, iron pin; gilt clay myrtle-berries from a wreath. On the bench of the grave’s W side: 41 gilt clay pebbles in the shape of acorn; 46 bone astragaloi and a bone pebble; fragment of alabaster and a clay fragment of female figurine
E4 Sfakaki, Crete 20 BCE–40 CE male? epistomion in the mouth bronze on chest Inhumation in cist-grave (above no. 8). Clay and bronze prochous, clay unguentarium, lekythion, two glass phialae, a bronze strigil, obsidian flake
E5 Agios Athanassios, Macedonia III c. female rectangular unknown unknown Unknown. From a looted Macedonian tomb. Trapezoid construction at the entrance for the funeral supper; gold earrings, Illyrian type pin, clay figurines

Group F Texts

F1 Elis, Peloponnese.
Bibliography: Papathanassopoulos 1969:153 pl. 153b; Michaud 1971:901, 906 pl. 228; SEG 31.354, 52.471; Yalouris 1996:128–129; Riedweg 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16i; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496i; Zoumbaki 2005:169; Graf and Johnston 2007:38–39 no. 27; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Εὐξένα Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal; Bernabé; Graf and Johnston.
F2 Aigeion, Peloponnese.
Bibliography: Papapostolou 1977:94 pl. 63b; SEG 34.338; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16e; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496e; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 20; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F3 Methone, Pieria, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Above no. 15; Besios 1986:142–143; SEG 40.541, 45.777; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16h; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496h; Graf and Johnston 2007:44–45 no. 35; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F4 Aigeion, Peloponnese.
Bibliography: Papakosta 1987:153; SEG 41.401; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16c; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496c; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 21; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Δεξίλαος μύστας.
F5 Aigeion, Peloponnese.
Bibliography: Papakosta 1987:153; SEG 41.401; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16d; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496d; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 22; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

Φίλων μύστας.
F6 Pella, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Lilibaki-Akamati 1989:95 pl. 8; 1989–1991:82–84 pl. 29a; SEG 42.619a; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16a; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496a; Graf and Johnston 2007:42–43 no. 32; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F7 Elis, Peloponnese.
Bibliography: Themelis 1994:146–149, 154 no. 15 pl. 82b; SEG 46.456, 52.470; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16j; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496j; Zoumbaki 2005:354–355; Graf and Johnston 2007:32–33 no. 32; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F8 Pydna, Pieria, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Above no. 13; Besios 1992:247; SEG 45.803; Riedweg 1998: 389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16e; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496e; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 20; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F9 Pydna, Pieria, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Above no. 14; Besios 1992:247; SEG 45.803; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16e; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496e; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 20; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F10 Europos, Kilkis, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Savvopoulou 1992:427 pl. 4; SEG 45.762; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16g; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496g; Graf and Johnston 2007:44–45 no. 36; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F11 Pella, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Lilibaki-Akamati 1992:127–128; SEG 45.783, 47.928; BE 1996.257; Riedweg 1998:389–398, and 2002; Bernabé and Jiménez San Cristóbal 2001:279–280 no. L16f; Bernabé 2005, fr. 496f; Graf and Johnston 2007:30–31 no. 20; Edmonds forthcoming-2.

F12 Dion, Pieria, Macedonia.
Bibliography: Pantermalis 1999:271; SEG 49.703; Graf and Johnston 2007:42–43 no. 33; Edmonds forthcoming-2.


Group F

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
F1 Elis, Peloponnese 300–275 female leaf unknown unknown Inhumation in pithos. Clay vases?, gold necklace, gold earrings, fragments of gold foils from a diadem
F2 Aigeion, Peloponnese III–I c. male laurel? or myrtle? unknown gold danake Inhumation in cist-grave, looted. Iron strigil, two gold finger-rings, two gold Nike-earrings, fragments of silver and clay vase
F3 Methone, Pieria, Macedonia ca. 300 female rectangular on the body no Inhumation in cist-grave, looted, above no. 15. Ivory fragments of bier’s decoration of floral patterns and of figures of the Dionysiac cycle; two gold earrings, two gold finger-rings, seven clay vessels, a bronze phiale, an iron scissor, a bronze gilt wreath
F4 Aigeion, Peloponnese III–I c. male leaf unknown two gold danake Inhumation in cist-grave. Six clay vessels, iron strigil, two fragments of bronze objects
F5 Aigeion, 
Peloponnese III–I c. male almond? or myrtle? unknown gold danake Inhumation in cist-grave. Three craniums and a number of bones; twelve gold lance-shape leaves, gold finger-ring for burial use, two silver bowls, two unguentaria
F6 Pella, 
Macedonia ca. 300 female laurel? or myrtle? unknown no Inhumation in cist-grave. Clay myrtle-berries from a wreath; fragments of bone gilt small chous; bronze gilt leaves; forty-three bronze nail-heads; two small bronze rings; three pieces of bone tool; eight glass eyes; two small clay skyphoi; clay lamp; inscribed clay plate; gold finger-ring; gold earrings
F7 Elis, 
Peloponnese III c. female myrtle under the cranium leaf as danake Inhumation in cist-grave. Gold finger-ring, gold earrings, clay pyxis to the left of cranium; small skyphos between the legs, small amphora, four clay unguentaria, clay cup, lamp; bronze, iron, silver, and bone fragments from a small wooden box in which a bronze folding mirror, iron tweezers, iron scissors, clay unguentarium, clay pyxis
F8 Pydna, Pieria, Macedonia 336–300 male gold coin of Philip II in the mouth gold coin of Philip II Inhumation in pit-grave (above no. 13) immediately to the N of cist grave (below F9). Ivory fragments from the bier, two bronze gilt wreaths, and four clay vessels
F9 Pydna, Pieria, Macedonia 336–300 female gold coin of Philip II in the mouth gold coin of Philip II Inhumation in cist grave (above no. 14) with pit-grave immediately to the S (above F8). Ivory fragments from the bier, bronze ladle, a small bronze bell, a lead pyxis, and seven clay vessels
F10 Europos, Kilkis, 
Macedonia ca. 300 male rectangular unknown unknown Inhumation? in cist grave, looted. Glass eyes, bone fragments and bronze nails from bier’s decoration; clay vases, alabasters, Phoenician vase, iron strigils, bronze gilt wreath with berries. Outside the grave, to the NE: trapezoid construction for funeral supper, where pottery fragments, and fragments of kantharos, bones, and shells; traces of enagismos in later times NW of the construction, bronze gilt wreath with clay gilt berries, bronze coin badly worn, red-figure pelike with amazon, griffin, and youths in gymnasium
F11 Pella, 
Macedonia ca. 300 small girl leaf unknown unknown Inhumation in cist grave. Gold finger-ring with incised animal; gold earrings of Cupids
F12 Dion, Pieria, Macedonia ca. 300? male small disc unknown the small disc? unknown, from Macedonian tomb V

Group G

  Provenance Date BCE Gender Shape Position in grave Coin Burial and grave-goods
G1 Pella, Macedonia 200–150 female olive? inside the larnax gold stater of Philip II No text (written in ink?, now lost, Chryssostomou 1992). Cremation in chamber tomb. On the dromos pottery and amphora-handle with seal. Inside marble sarcophagus: wooden larnax with cremated bones covered with gold-purple cloth; two gold myrtle-wreaths (24 and 30 leaves each); gold jewel shoe-shaped; burnt bone object. On the floor of the chamber: bronze phiale, small clay pyxis, two clay unguentaria, a small bone object, clay Thasian amphora, clay lamp, iron lamp-stand, glass skyphos
G2 Sfakaki, Crete 1–50 CE male? epistomion mouth silver coin No text. Inhumation (above no. 10). Around the feet from the knees down: clay prochous, four glass cups, glass phiale, bronze lekythion, and bronze strigil
G3 Sfakaki, Crete 50–100 CE female? rectangular epistomion mouth no No text. Inhumation (above no. 11). Around the feet: a clay kylix, a clay prochous, four clay unguentaria, glass cup, bronze mirror, lead pyxis, and bronze nails
G4 Sfakaki, Crete I c. CE female? rectangular epistomion mouth no No text. Inhumation (above no. 12). Deceased A buried later than deceased B to the N, and B (an older burial probably of a female) to the S. Around the feet of both: a clay prochous, three aryballos-shaped lekythia, a clay unguentarium, a clay cup, and a glass phiale; deceased A also a bronze coin; deceased B also epistomion, and between the legs bronze foils (from a wooden pyxis?)