Heat and Lust: Hesiod’s Midsummer Festival Scene Revisited

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Appendix 8. The Avdemi Songs


[ back ] 1. Detienne 1972, especially 215-226.

[ back ] 2. Winkler 1990, especially 202-209.

[ back ] 3. For descriptions mainly of νυχτέρια (work sessions held in winter by the fireplace at night or in summer outdoors by a bonfire), with bibliography, consult Loukatos 1982. 116-121; further, Papathanasiou 1953. 282-283; D. A. Petropoulos 1941-1942. 159-160, who notes that in eastern Thrace men are strictly barred from νυχτέρια and, as a result, often obstreperously intrude on the proceedings.

[ back ] 4. Cf. Winkler 1990. 206: “The many religious-social gatherings of ancient Greek women, so few of which were noted by men, are the obvious location for sharing knowledge about male adequacy—or inadequacy.”