Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter Citation: Use the following persistent identifier: Symbols pher = Pherecratic gl = Glyconic pherd/pher2d/pher3d = Pherecratic with single/double/triple dactylic expansion gld/gl2d = Glyconic with single/double dactylic expansion glc/gl2c = Glyconic with single/double choriambic expansion ch = choriamb ia = iamb ^ = before a symbol, designates acephaly (e.g. ^pher = acephalic pher) after a symbol, designates catalexis (e.g. ia^ = catalectic iamb) * = designates reconstructions > / < = designates phonological evolution to/from || = word-break (caesura or diaeresis) # = verse-break ⏑ = short syllable – = long syllable ⏓ = short or long syllable ⏔ = two short syllables or one long syllable Α-Ω = Iliad I-XXIV α-ω = Odyssey i-xxiv