Herodotus on queens and courtesans of Egypt

[This essay was originally published in Herodotus: Narrator, Scientist, Historian , ed. Ewen Bowie, 109–122. Trends in Classics 59. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018. It is published here with permission of de Gruyter. In this online edition, the original page numbers of the print edition will be indicated within braces (“{”… Read more

L’áte dans l’Iliade (le cas Agamemnon)

Depto. de Letras Clássicas Faculdade de Letras Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais [This article was originally published 1998/1999 in Classica 11/12: 271-280. It is published here by permission of the editors. In this online version, the original page numbers are indicated within braces (“{“ and “}”). For example, “{271|272}” indicates… Read more

Note critique sur la « belle mort » vernantienne

Teodoro Rennó Assunção Faculté de Lettres Université Fédérale de Minas Gerais (Brésil) [This article was originally published in Classica: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, São Paulo, 7/8: 53-62, 1994/1995. It is made available here by permission of the editor-in-chief of Classica.] Résumé: Cet article vise à critiquer la conception de… Read more

Le mythe iliadique de Bellérophon

Université Fédérale de Minas Gérais, Belo Horizonte (Brésil) EHESS, Paris [This essay was originally published in Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, Numéro 1-2, 1997, pp. 41-66. It is published here by permission of the author.] Pour Nicole Loraux Deux traits distinguent ce mythe de ceux qui racontent… Read more

Euripides, Trojan Women

Translated by E. P. Coleridge. Revised by the Trojan Women Heroization team (Keith DeStone, Hélène Emeriaud, Kelly Lambert, Janet M. Ozsolak, Sarah Scott) Before Agamemnon’s tent in the camp near Troy. Poseidon From the depths of salt Aegean sea [pontos] I, Poseidon, have come, where choruses [khoroi] of… Read more