Curated Articles

Orality and Literacy (Persian translation)

Gregory Nagy Translated into Persian by Farnoosh Shamsian [[This article was first published in Encyclopedia of Rhetoric (ed. T. O. Sloane; Oxford 2001) 532-538. It is currently available in English here:]] شفاهیّت و کتبیّت گرگوری ناژ برگردان فارسی: فرنوش شمسیان مفهوم شفاهیّت [1]… Read more

Athena among the Phaeacians

Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC [This lecture was presented on April 29, 2015 at the Conference Room of the Athens Archaeological Society. It was sponsored by Center for Odyssean Studies and is made available here by their permission. Click here to download a PDF of the handout that… Read more

Diomède et la détresse de Nestor

[UFMG] [This article was originally published in Phaos, volume 4, pp. 5-38 (2004). In this online version, the original page-numbers are indicated within braces (“{“ and “}”). For example, “{5|6}” indicates where p. 5 of the original article ends and p. 6 begins. ] Resumo: Os primeiros sinais explícitos na… Read more

Herodotus on queens and courtesans of Egypt

[This essay was originally published in Herodotus: Narrator, Scientist, Historian , ed. Ewen Bowie, 109–122. Trends in Classics 59. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018. It is published here with permission of de Gruyter. In this online edition, the original page numbers of the print edition will be indicated within braces (“{”… Read more

L’áte dans l’Iliade (le cas Agamemnon)

Depto. de Letras Clássicas Faculdade de Letras Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais [This article was originally published 1998/1999 in Classica 11/12: 271-280. It is published here by permission of the editors. In this online version, the original page numbers are indicated within braces (“{“ and “}”). For example, “{271|272}” indicates… Read more

Note critique sur la « belle mort » vernantienne

Teodoro Rennó Assunção Faculté de Lettres Université Fédérale de Minas Gerais (Brésil) [This article was originally published in Classica: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, São Paulo, 7/8: 53-62, 1994/1995. It is made available here by permission of the editor-in-chief of Classica.] Résumé: Cet article vise à critiquer la conception de… Read more