
Part I. Essays. 1. Interpreting Iliad 10

Interpreting Iliad 10: Assumptions, Methodology, and the Place of the Doloneia within the History of Homeric Scholarship [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and… Read more

Part I. Essays. 2. The Poetics of Ambush

The Poetics of Ambush The phrase “poetics of ambush” encapsulates our approach and our goals for this volume, so let us begin here by defining what we mean by it. When we speak of “poetics” we mean that we are proposing a theory of the structure and… Read more

Part II. Texts. Iliad p609

Iliad p609 (Mertens-Pack 864.1; P. Mich. 6972) Text based on the edition of Alexander Loney, after the edition of A. Edwards (1984) [1] This papyrus roll dates to the second century BCE and is a palimpsest, meaning that the papyrus had… Read more

Part II. Texts. Iliad p425

Iliad p425 (Mertens-Pack 855.1; P. Berol. inv. 11911 + 17038 + 17048 + 21155) Text based on the edition of Bart Huelsenbeck and Alexander Loney, after the edition of H. Maehler; W. Müller; G. Poethke (1976) [1] The fragments of this… Read more

Part II. Texts. Iliad p46

Iliad p46 (Mertens-Pack 658; P. Cairo Maspero inv. 67172-4 + P. Berol. inv. 10570 + P. Strasb. inv. G 1654 + P. Rein. 2.70) Text based on the edition of Alexander Loney, after the edition of J.-L. Fournet (1999) [1] This… Read more

III. Inventions of Terpander

Part III. Inventions of Terpander 1. Terpander between Myth and History Any study of kitharôidia must reckon closely with Terpander of Lesbos. While figures such as Orpheus, Philammon, and Amphion were routinely put forward as exponents of citharodic music in the mythic illud tempus—as Wilamowitz put… Read more

IV. Panathenaic Kitharôida

Part IV. Panathenaic Kitharôida 1. Kitharôidia Comes to Athens By the beginning of the fifth century BCE, and probably still earlier, Athens had become a premier market for kitharôidia, its Panathenaic mousikoi agônes overshadowing the long-established regional contests at the Spartan Carneia and rivaling the international… Read more