
Chapter 2. Framing Spaces

Chapter 2. Framing Spaces The Achaean Camp, Troy, and the World of the Immortals As we saw in chapter 1, the base-level space of the battlefield is part of a set of framing spaces that are deployed around and above it. The Achaean camp and the… Read more


Conclusion The Education of Cyrus is a simple narrative, but the Theory of Leadership that informs it is complex and often difficult to untangle. In the course this study I have been exploring a number of claims about it. For one, we should not think of the… Read more


Bibliography Ambler, W., trans. 2001. The Education of Cyrus. Ithaca. Anderson, J. K. 1974. Xenophon. London. Azoulay, V. 2004a. “The Medo-Persian Ceremonial: Xenophon, Cyrus and the King’s Body.” In Tuplin 2004:147–17. ———. 2004b. Xénophon… Read more


Acknowledgments The research related to this monograph was funded by the European Commission through a Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship (MOIF-CT 8030 “Pragmatics of Archaic Greek Literature,” 2005–2008). This grant gave me the wonderful opportunity to work at the Widener Library of Harvard University, and at the… Read more

Introduction. The Evocative Power of Word-Making

Introduction. The Evocative Power of Word-Making [In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers who… Read more

Chapter 4. Visual and Narrative Functions of αὐ-Discourse Markers

Chapter 4. Visual and Narrative Functions of αὐ-Discourse Markers An epigram assigned to Pollianus (first or second century AD) in the Greek Anthology begins as follows: Τοὺς κυκλίους τούτους τοὺς “αὐτὰρ ἔπειτα” λέγονταςμισῶ, λωποδύτας ἀλλοτρίων ἐπέων. Greek Anthology 11.130.1–2 These cyclic poets… Read more