

back Danielle Arnold Freedman My being born in a tiny coal-mining village in Warwickshire, England, Harvard may have seemed an unobvious destination. However, I had been primed for it from the start by a favourite Uncle who had escaped in the preceding generation, to Canada. Equally unobviously I did… Read more

Pictures at a Transboundary Basilica

back Laurie Hart Fieldnote, August 1995, Prespa, Macedonia, Greece I wake to the sounds of my landlady, Irini, and her husband Markos talking quietly in the kitchen. She’s boiling maize that Markos will use as bait on his fish hooks and preparing to bake an enormous carp (grivadi) that… Read more

Remarks on Gregory Nagy at age 70

back Laszlo Nagy Contemplating my father at age 70, I think to him when he was my age, 35, thirty-five years ago. This means I find myself in the odd situation of contemplating him when he was my age at my birth. I am reminded already then of his… Read more

Finismundo: The Last Voyage (Finismundo: A Última Viagem)

back Andrea Kouklanakis Abstract Finismundo: A Última Viagem (1990), written by the Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos, uses Odysseus’ shipwreck as its foundational theme. In the Odyssey the question surrounding Odysseus’ death is articulated in ambiguous terms in book XI. Tiresias tells Odysseus that the hero will not… Read more