Nagy, Gregory. 2013. The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013. Abridged edition 2019.
Hour 14. Longing for a hero: a retrospective
The meaning of pothos
Testimony from the Hērōikos of Philostratus
Hour 14 Text A
Hour 14 Text B
Hour 14 Text C
Longing for Protesilaos in the Homeric Iliad
Hour 14 Text D
The sacred eroticism of heroic beauty
Hour 14 Text E
The beauty of seasonality in a Modern Greek poem
Hour 14 Text Fa
This poem Arnisi, which means ‘denial’, was made famous in Modern Greek popular culture after it was set to music by Mikis Theodorakis. His song, known by the same name ´Arnisi, was composed in Paris in 1961; it is part of a set of songs known as Epiphánia (᾿Επιφάνεια), and it has remained enormously popular up to the present moment. [17]
Hour 14 Text Fb
Here is my translation again, but this time I have inserted some of the original Modern Greek words, along with their ancient Greek counterparts (each ancient Greek word is transliterated, and preceded by the sign “<” to indicate that the corresponding Modern Greek word is actually descended from the ancient counterpart): {398|399}
Hour 14 Text Fc
The beauty of the hero in death
A beautiful setting for the beautiful cult hero
Hour 14 Text G
Hour 14 Text H
Paroxysms of sentimentality in worshipping cult heroes
Hour 14 Text I
Hour 14 Text J
The melody of Harrison’s song was faintly reminiscent of an earlier song, sung by female singers about a male object of desire. Originally recorded in 1963 by the Chiffons, this song is called “He’s so fine”:
This is not the time or the place to dwell on the litigation that enveloped George Harrison over perceived similarities between the older and newer songs, but one thing is for sure, to my mind: there is no trace of sacral eroticism in the song of the Chiffons.
Back to the tumulus of Achilles
Hour 14 Text K
Hour 14 Text L = Hour 4 Text A
Whereas Achilles ‘wilts’, the kleos or ‘glory’ of his song will never ‘wilt’. The song is notionally eternal.